Cookbook/Lists and strings
In Haskell, lists are what Arrays are in most other languages.
Creating simple lists
Problem | Solution | Examples |
creating a list with given elements | - | 3 : 12 : 42 : [] --> [3,12,42]
'f' : 'o' : 'o' : [] --> "foo" |
creating a list with stepsize 1 | - | [1..10] --> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
['a'..'z'] --> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" |
creating a list with different stepsize | - | [1,3..10] --> [1,3,5,7,9]
['a','c'..'z'] --> "acegikmoqsuwy" |
creating an infinite constant list | - | [1,1..] --> [1,1,1,1,1,... |
creating an infinite list with stepsize 1 | - | [1..] --> [1,2,3,4,5,... |
List comprehensions
The list of all squares can also be written in a more comprehensive way, using list comprehensions:
squares = [x*x | x <- [1..]]
List comprehensions allow for constraints as well:
-- multiples of 3 or 5
mults = [ x | x <- [1..], mod x 3 == 0 || mod x 5 == 0 ]
Combining lists
Problem | Solution | Examples |
combining two lists | (++) | "foo" ++ "bar" --> "foobar"
[42,43] ++ [60,61] --> [42,43,60,61] |
combining many lists | concat | concat ["foo", "bar", "baz"] --> "foobarbaz" |
Accessing sublists
Problem | Solution | Examples |
accessing the first element | head | head "foo bar baz" --> 'f' |
accessing the last element | last | last "foo bar baz" --> 'z' |
accessing the element at a given index | (!!) | "foo bar baz" !! 4 --> 'b' |
accessing the first n elements
take | take 3 "foo bar baz" --> "foo" |
accessing the last n elements
reverse , take | reverse . take 3 . reverse $ "foobar" --> "bar" |
accessing the n elements starting from index m
drop, take | take 4 $ drop 2 "foo bar baz" --> "o ba" |
Splitting lists
Problem | Solution | Examples |
splitting a string into a list of words | words | words "foo bar\t baz\n" --> ["foo","bar","baz"] |
splitting a list into two parts | splitAt | splitAt 3 "foo bar baz" --> ("foo"," bar baz") |
Since strings are lists of characters, you can use any available list function.
Multiline strings
\bar" --> "foobar"
Converting between characters and values
Problem | Solution | Examples |
converting a character to a numeric value | ord | import Data.Char
ord 'A' --> 65 |
converting a numeric value to a character | chr | import Data.Char
chr 99 --> 'c' |
Reversing a string by words or characters
Problem | Solution | Examples |
reversing a string by characters | reverse | reverse "foo bar baz" --> "zab rab oof" |
reversing a string by words | words, reverse, unwords | unwords $ reverse $ words "foo bar baz" --> "baz bar foo" |
reversing a string by characters by words | words, reverse, map, unwords | unwords $ map reverse $ words "foo bar baz" --> "oof rab zab" |
Converting case
Problem | Solution | Examples |
converting a character to upper-case | toUpper | import Data.Char
toUpper 'a' --> 'A' |
converting a character to lower-case | toLower | import Data.Char
toLower 'A' --> 'a' |
converting a string to upper-case | toUpper, map | import Data.Char
map toUpper "Foo Bar" --> "FOO BAR" |
converting a string to lower-case | toLower, map | import Data.Char
map toLower "Foo Bar" --> "foo bar" |
Text handles character strings with better performance than Strings; it should be the prefered data type for UTF-8 encoded strings.
If observe that Text does not give sufficient performance, consider Data.ByteString, which is essentially a byte array. It can contain UTF-8 characters, but handle with care! .
Current GHC (later than 6) encodes Strings and Text in UTF-8. This may change the behavior of some of the functions explained above when applied to characters beyond the traditional ASCII characters. Remember that not every character in UTF-8 encoding is one byte!