Euler problems/51 to 60

From HaskellWiki

Problem 51

Find the smallest prime which, by changing the same part of the number, can form eight different primes.


millerRabinPrimality on the Prime_numbers page

isPrime x
    |otherwise=millerRabinPrimality x 2
numChar n= sum [1|x<-show(n),x==ch]
replace d c|c==ch=d
nextN repl n= (+0)$read $map repl $show n  
same n= [if isPrime$nextN (replace a) n then 1 else 0|a<-['1'..'9']]
problem_51=head [n|
    numChar n==3,
    (sum $same n)==8

Problem 52

Find the smallest positive integer, x, such that 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, and 6x, contain the same digits in some order.


import List
has_same_digits a b = (show a) \\ (show b) == []
check n = all (has_same_digits n) (map (n*) [2..6])
problem_52 = head $ filter check [1..]

Problem 53

How many values of C(n,r), for 1 ≤ n ≤ 100, exceed one-million?


facs = scanl (*) 1 [1..100]
comb (r,n) = facs!!n `div` (facs!!r * facs!!(n-r))
perms = [(n,x) | x<-[1..100], n<-[1..x]]
problem_53 = length $ filter (>1000000) $ map comb $ perms

Problem 54

How many hands did player one win in the poker games?


probably not the most straight forward way to do it.

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad

readCard [r,s] = (parseRank r, parseSuit s)
 where parseSuit = translate "SHDC"
       parseRank = translate "23456789TJQKA"
       translate from x = fromJust $ elemIndex x from

solveHand hand = (handRank,tiebreak)
  | flush && straight   = 9
  | hasKinds 4          = 8
  | all hasKinds [2,3]  = 7
  | flush               = 6
  | straight            = 5
  | hasKinds 3          = 4
  | 1 < length (kind 2) = 3
  | hasKinds 2          = 2
  | otherwise           = 1
 tiebreak = kind =<< [4,3,2,1]
 hasKinds = not . null . kind
 kind n = map head $ filter ((n==).length) $ group ranks
 ranks  = sortBy (flip compare) $ map fst hand
 flush  = 1 == length (nub (map snd hand))
 straight = length (kind 1) == 5 && 4 == head ranks - last ranks
gameLineToHands = splitAt 5 . map readCard . words
p1won (a,b) = solveHand a > solveHand b

problem_54 = do
    f <- readFile "poker.txt"
    let games = map gameLineToHands $ lines f
        wins = filter p1won games
    print $ length wins

Problem 55

How many Lychrel numbers are there below ten-thousand?


reverseNum = read . reverse . show
palindrome x =
    sx == reverse sx
    sx = show x 

lychrel = 
    not . any palindrome . take 50 . tail . iterate next
    next x = x + reverseNum x
problem_55 = length $ filter lychrel [1..10000]

Problem 56

Considering natural numbers of the form, ab, finding the maximum digital sum.


digitalSum 0 = 0
digitalSum n = 
    let (d,m) = quotRem n 10 in m + digitalSum d 
problem_56 = 
    maximum [digitalSum (a^b) | a <- [99], b <- [90..99]]

Alternate solution:

import Data.Char (digitToInt)

digiSum :: Integer -> Int
digiSum = sum . map digitToInt . show

problem_56 :: Int
problem_56 = maximum $ map digiSum [a^b | a <- [1..100], b <- [1..100]]

Problem 57

Investigate the expansion of the continued fraction for the square root of two.


twoex = zip ns ds 
    ns = 3 : zipWith (\x y -> x + 2 * y) ns ds
    ds = 2 : zipWith (+) ns ds
len = length . show
problem_57 = 
    length $ filter (\(n,d) -> len n > len d) $ take 1000 twoex

The following solution is based on the observation that the fractions needed appear regularly in the repeating pattern _______$____$ where underscores are ignored and dollars are interesting fractions.

calc :: Int -> Int
calc n = nd13 * 2 + ((n-nd13*13) `div` 8)
      nd13 = n `div` 13

problem_57 :: Int
problem_57 = calc 1000

Problem 58

Investigate the number of primes that lie on the diagonals of the spiral grid.


isPrime x
    |otherwise=and [millerRabinPrimality x n|n<-[2,3]]
diag = 1:3:5:7:zipWith (+) diag [8,10..]
problem_58 = 
    result $ dropWhile tooBig $ drop 2 $ scanl primeRatio (0,0) diag
    primeRatio (n,d) num = (if d `mod` 4 /= 0 && isPrime num then n+1 else n,d+1)
    tooBig (n,d) = n*10 >= d
    result ((_,d):_) = (d+2) `div` 4 * 2 + 1

Problem 59

Using a brute force attack, can you decrypt the cipher using XOR encryption?


import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
keys = [ [a,b,c] | a <- [97..122], b <- [97..122], c <- [97..122] ]
allAlpha = all (\k -> let a = ord k in (a >= 32 && a <= 122))
howManySpaces = length . filter (==' ')
problem_59 = do
	s <- readFile "cipher1.txt"
		cipher = (read ("[" ++ s ++ "]") :: [Int])
		decrypts = [ map chr (zipWith xor (cycle key) cipher) | key <- keys ]
		alphaDecrypts = filter allAlpha decrypts
		message = maximumBy (comparing howManySpaces) alphaDecrypts
		asciisum = sum (map ord message)
	print asciisum

Problem 60

Find a set of five primes for which any two primes concatenate to produce another prime.


Breadth first search that works on infinite lists. Breaks the 60 secs rule. This program finds the solution in 185 sec on my Dell D620 Laptop.

problem_60 = print$sum $head solve 
isPrime x = x==3 || millerRabinPrimality x 2 
solve = do
 a <- primesTo10000
 let m = f a $ dropWhile (<= a) primesTo10000
 b <- m
 let n = f b $ dropWhile (<= b) m
 c <- n
 let o = f c $ dropWhile (<= c) n
 d <- o
 let p = f d $ dropWhile (<= d) o
 e <- p
 return [a,b,c,d,e]
 f x = filter (\y -> and [isPrime $read $shows x $show y,
                 isPrime $read $shows y $show x])
primesTo10000 = 2:filter isPrime [3,5..9999]