HaWiki migration
- This migration refers to work started in 2006. It is retained for historical purposes only.
- Only links to archived content are listed here - for a more complete list, see this snapshot of this page.
Remember you need to check licences before moving content to the new wiki! Pages to be migrated to the new wiki. Once a page has been moved delete it from this list.
When porting new pages, please try to categorise them. This will ease navigating the wiki in the long term. A list of all categories is here. To categorise a page, insert, for example, the text:
Old content can be found online at the Internet Archive pages for HaWiki.
If you are happy for your contributions on the old wiki to be relicensed and moved to the new wiki, please add your name to this list, so that others may move your contributions without fear:
- Adrian Hey
- Andrew Bromage
- Bulat Ziganshin
- Cale Gibbard
- Dave Menendez
- David Himmelstrup (Lemmih)
- Derek Elkins
- Don Stewart
- Einar Karttunen
- Henk-Jan van Tuyl
- Henning Thielemann
- Ian Lynagh
- Jason Dagit
- Jean-Philippe Bernardy
- Johannes Ahlmann
- Matthias Fischmann
- Neil Mitchell
- Oleg Kiselyov
- Scott Turner
- Shae Erisson
- Stefan Aeschbacher
- Stefan Ljungstrand
- Simon Marlow
- Udo Stenzel
- Yitz Gale
- shelarcy
Add yourself in `sort' order.
Uncategorised pages
Please mark pages which you consider not to be moved with a *.
A to E
F to J
K to O
P to T
U to Z
Cabal pages
Hawiki Infrastructure pages
These pages can just disappear too.
User pages
These pages may just disappear. Users can recreate them on the new wiki
AlbertReiner AlexanderWilliams AndrewBromage AndreySidorenko BjarkeDahlEbert BruceWilliams BryanMurphy ChrisAngus ChristopherHendrie ColinDeVilbiss CraigDickson DeanHerington DmitryAstapov FrankAtanassow FrankChristoph GaneshSittampalam GerardHuet GraemeJefferis HannahSchroeter JackWaugh JanDeWit JensPetersen JohnHeron JohnHughes JohnMeacham KeithWansbrough MahlenMorris ManuelChakravarty MarkoSchuetz MichaelRichter MikeBeedle NoelWinstanley RichardTibbetts RonLegere ShaeErisson StefanLjungstrand SteveDunham TomMoertel TomPledger WadeCunningham WardCunningham