Mathematical prelude discussion

From HaskellWiki


There have been many ideas for improving the prelude's support for mathematics. Including the addition of algebraic classes. But the discussion is spread over years of list archives and a half dozen websites. And the discussion has never gelled.

This page is intended to collect links to past discussion, and to provide a focal point for advancing the discussion.


Libraries and proposals

Numeric Prelude

Working set of common type classes and instances.

Basic Algebra Library (BAL)

Is not in community report 2006-06.
0.04/announce.txt (2006-02)
Formerly refered to as "basic algebra proposal".

Categorical Approach to representing mathematical structures in Haskell: [1]

Haskell Prime'

Numeric classes on the Haskell' wiki

See Also


For me that probably starts with the semigroup/group/ring setup, and good arbitrary-precision as well as approximate linear algebra support.

I agree: semigoups like lattices are everywhere. Then there could be a uniform treatment of linear algebra, polynomial equations, operator algebra, etc.

MAGMA is an example of a language which embraced mathematical structure. MitchellNCharity 23:16, 14 November 2006 (UTC)

  • Aldor/Axiom may be a place to look for a good type class hierarchy