Haskell Performance Resource
Constructs: Techniques: |
Before continuing, I strongly recommend reading Performance/Strings first. Fast I/O and string handling overlap in many places, so this page will only discuss the parts that are not specific to strings.
Iteratee I/O
Iteratees are a relatively new approach to streaming I/O. If your code uses I/O extensively (for example, in a web server), iteratees are the best way to do it.
Using the Conduit library, a program to read a file and pipe it to stdout can be written as follows:
main = runResourceT (sourceFile "test.txt" $$ sinkHandle stdout)
Other solutions
If this is too high-level for you,
buffer-based IO is an alternative (hGetBuf
). This can be
particularly effective when combined with packed strings (see wc).
Some external libraries also provide memory mapped IO.
In 2006, someone came up with a solution called Streams. However, it does not seem to be maintained anymore.