Talk:Higher order function

From HaskellWiki

I'm a beginner in Haskell and needs help I need a resourse of haskell from scratch and also need someone to explain in details the quicksort that is published:

quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort []     = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
        lesser  = filter (< p) xs
        greater = filter (>= p) xs

without line no 1, it works fine what about line three ? and how we use ++ as concatenate ???

Thanks in advance

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Line no. 1 is correct, it describes the type of the function.

xs ++ ys concatenates the lists xs and ys

You can find a description of how this function works at ; the function at this pages looks different, but is actually the same.

Henk-Jan van Tuyl 10:24, 10 November 2011 (UTC)