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== Testing MediaWiki markup==
I'm new at this, and I thought I'd use this page to test some things I want to use in
a Wiki article.
First, can I can compose offline with MacVim
and paste into my user page. The answer to this is yes.
== Some Haskell code==
Following is produced using <pre><haskell>...</haskell></pre> gets haskell highlighting.
How do I get highlighting for, say, C?
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Safe where
import Foreign.C.Types
fibonacci :: Int -> Int
fibonacci n = fibs !! n
where fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
fibonacci_hs :: CInt -> CInt
fibonacci_hs = fromIntegral . fibonacci . fromIntegral
foreign export ccall fibonacci_hs :: CInt -> CInt
== Some misc text ==
Here is some ''italic'' text.
== Special symbols ==
Well, I should be able to do this in vim, I'll try later
when I have time.
==Links to other pages==
The place that got me started toward this is [[Calling_Haskell_from_C| Calling Haskell from C]].

Latest revision as of 16:22, 2 November 2009