Global keys

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Revision as of 16:31, 4 May 2006 by Simonpj (talk | contribs)


This page is meant to contain discussion about global state and "things with identity". It's a companion to Adrian's, but that's in the old Wiki, so I thought it better to start a new page.

See also Ian Stark's ACIO message


As Brian Hulley put it, at the moment, there is a strange unnatural discrepancy between the fixed set of built-in privileged operations such as Data.Unique.newUnique which are "allowed" to make use of global state, and user defined operations which have to rely on a shaky hack in order to preserve natural abstraction barriers between components such as a user-defined Unique, Atom, and anything involving memoisation or device management etc.

The kind of applications we have in mind are:

  • A source of random numbers, or of unique numbers. This should be on a per-thread basis.
  • The value of 'stdin' or 'stdout'. We don't want to mutate this, but we might want to set the value for sub-computations, including any spawned threads.

A straw man

Here's a straw-man proposal.

  • New top-level declaration to allocate a new key
  key rng :: Key StdGen

A key is globally unique in a program. It supports equality but not ordering.

  • You can read and write global state and local state:
  readLS,  readGS  :: Key a -> IO a
  writeLS, writeGS :: Key a -> a -> IO a
The distinction between the two is that there is one global state, shared between all threads, but each thread has its own local state.
  • Keys have equality but not ordering. We probably want to provide efficient finite maps on keys.

Open questions:

  • When you forkIO a thread, what (if anything) does the forked thread inherit?