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On June the 9th 2006, Microsoft Research sent out an advert for a job. This eventually led to AngloHaskell 2006, and much fun was had!

Doing it again in 2007 seems like a good idea, who's up for it?

Date and Venue

These need deciding on! Simon Peyton-Jones has offered to ask MSR if we can have space for talks again. A date in the summer seems a good idea, and should help fill in the lull before the next Fun in the Afternoon.

Any other offers for a venue for talks?


It's likely that there'll be people in need of crashspace and so forth, so once we've got a date and venue set it would be an idea for people to organise things here.


Per last year, all attendees should bring or make a nametag that identifies you by your real name and/or IRC name. If anyone wants to drag a roll of stickers and a pen along that'll help!



  • Philippa Cowderoy - will put myself under definite once we have a time and place
  • David Himmelstrup (Lemmih) - will put myself under definite once we have a time and place


Planning will be taking place on IRC as per last year: #anglohaskell on

If you're having trouble following things on IRC, the discussion page on the wiki might be a good place to leave comments and questions.

Last year we had talks in the day on a Friday, followed by pubbage in the evening and assorted activities on the Saturday. This seemed to work, any other suggestions?


It wouldn't be AngloHaskell without some talks, so volunteers please! Last year we had a largely more practical set of talks than you might find at Fun in the Afternoon or an academic event. This was a good thing, and some of the best talks were from people who were far from considering themselves as experts, so feel free to tell us about your experiences.

When we have a venue confirmed, we can also put up details of the equipment available for speakers.

  • Philippa Cowderoy can give one of a number of talks, will pick one as time goes on

Wiki organisation

This isn't really a major point, but: it seems to me that keeping about the pages used to organise previous events is a good idea as things go on, and that this page should be used both to link to the archives and contain the current discussion. Anyone take issue with this?