
From HaskellWiki
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Yampa is a domain-specific embedded language for the programming of hybrid (discrete and continuous time) systems using the concepts of Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). Yampa is structured using Arrows, which greatly reduce the chance of introducing space- and time-leaks into reactive, time-varying systems.

Yampa was originally developed by the Yale Haskell Group based on the original idea of Conal Elliott's Fran.

Hackage: Yampa


Primitive signal functions

(download original Image:Yampa signal functions.svg‎)


Reddit - How to read Yampa diagram?

Each switch comes in two different flavors:

  1. immediate: switch to the new behaviour immediately and also calculate the return value based on the new behaviour.
  2. delayed: return the value based on the old behaviour, but use the new behaviour afterwards. To use delayed switch prefix the switching functions with the letter 'd', f.e. 'drpSwitchB'.


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Known users

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  • YampaSynth - is a software synthesizer implemented in Haskell using Yampa. It contains a framework of sound generating and sound shaping modules (e.g. oscillator, amplifier, mixer, envelope generator, filter, etc.) and example applications.
  • Frag; a simple Quake 3 clone, using a very early version of Yampa called arrowized functional reactive programming (AFRP)
  • SpaceInvaders; a video game, demonstrating the usage of Yampa
  • cuboid; a small puzzle game
  • Haskelloids; asteroids clone
  • Nettle - Programming Network Routers
  • Euterpea - computer music development (also uses CCA)
  • YFrob; robot simulation
  • Haskanoid A breakout-like videogame with SDL graphics and sound that can optionally be controlled with a Wiimote or a Kinect.
  • Magic Cookies! An iOS/Android board game implemented in Haskell using Yampa and SDL2.

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Known forks