Applications and libraries
The number of Haskell packages is growing rapidly. The section 'Haskell library collections' gives an ordering of all these packages by relative importance. In the section 'Haskell applications and libraries' an ordering by category is given. Finally some guidelines for developers of new packages are presented.
Haskell library collections
Haskell Prelude
The most important Haskell library is called the Prelude. It is implicitly imported by default, and includes the most commonly used functions. Make sure you know what they do and how to use them effectively.
Haskell 2010 libraries
The Haskell 2010 Language and library specification defines a set of libraries with basic functionality which all Haskell implementations should support, including the Prelude. Changes to these libraries are handled by the Haskell' process.
Haskell modules that almost everybody uses are in this group, for example: Control.Monad, Data.List and System.IO. Within GHC, these are mostly grouped into the base package, but for example Data.Array is in the array package.
GHC bootstrap libraries
GHC comes with an expanded version of the Haskell 2010 libraries. Together these are called the GHC bootstrap libraries. You should not rely on this list being stable, since it is just the list of packages that are needed to build GHC itself (including ghci and the user guide).
Examples of libraries that are GHC 7.8.3 boot libraries (but not core libraries, see below): haskeline, integer-gmp and terminfo.
Core Libraries
The core libraries form a subset of the packages in the Haskell Platform that has submitted to the management process described on the Library submissions page.
These packages typically define basic APIs that are expected to be available in any Haskell implementation, packages that are being maintained for backwards compatibility, or in some cases, which are just needed as glue to hold the rest of the platform together.
Not all GHC boot libraries are core libraries.
Examples of libraries, or packages, that belong to this group are: Monad transformer library, random and parallel.
Haskell Platform libraries
On top of the Core Libraries, the Haskell Platform comes preinstalled with some additional packages that together form the Haskell Platform libraries. These libraries have been thoroughly tested before being included. The addition of these libraries with the Haskell Platform is what makes it 'batteries included'.
Examples of included packages are: attoparsec, network and QuickCheck.
The Hackage database
Hackage is the final layer of the Haskell library collections. Hackage aims to provide a comprehensive collection of released Haskell packages, similar to Perl's CPAN or Python's PyPI.
Start on Hackage if you are looking for some functionality that did not come preinstalled with the Haskell Platform.
See also the Hackage wiki page and how to install a Cabal package.
Haskell applications and libraries
Applications, libraries and tools for Haskell or written in Haskell have been classified below, but you should check Hackage for the latest list.
- Audio, music and sound
- Bioinformatics
- Concurrency and parallelism
- Compilers and interpreters
- Compiler construction, lexing, parsing, pretty printing
- Cryptography and hashing
- Data Structures and IO Libraries
- Database interfaces
- Editors written in Haskell and editors for Haskell.
- Extended Haskell
- Games
- Generic programming
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) Libraries
- Graphics
- Hardware verification
- Linguistics and natural language processing
- Mathematics and physics
- Network
- Operating systems and systems programming (also emulators)
- Program development
- Robotics
- Statistics
- Theorem provers
- Tools for interfacing with other languages
- Web, HTML, XML
Other places to look include:
- The Library hierarchy page on this wiki.
- The Haskell community reports.
- The mailing list for discussion of issues related to libraries.
You can also propose and vote on new libraries that you'd like on reddit, and look at our past Summer of Code proposals.
Guidelines for developers

Developer guides:
- How to write a new Haskell library
- How to propose changes to the standard libraries
- Creating a .deb from a Haskell Cabal package (in the Web Archive)
- Guide to making standard library submissions
- If you notice the library documentation is lacking, or could be improved, please report it here
- Future projects, more projects people would like.
- Cabal, The Common Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries, is a framework for packaging, building, and installing any tool developed in the Haskell language.
- Hack-Nix, a set of tools based on the Nix package manager to manage multiple setups to build a project
Proposals for the module name space layout that can be used to guide the construction of new libraries.
Libraries for other languages
If you are thinking about designing a new library for Haskell, you ought to look what has been done in other languages. Here are standard library definitions for