Binary IO
There are a number of binary I/O libraries available for Haskell. The best to use is the new, semi-standard Data.Binary library:
* Data.Binary
It's very simple to use, and provides a highly efficient, pure interface to binary serialisation.
For just writing binary data to file, use
* System.IO
It is a part of the base package, so it comes with GHC.
A tutorial:
* Serialisation and compression with Data Binary
See also Dealing with binary data
Other libraries
- JeremyShaw's update of HalDaume's NewBinary package (Cabalized):
- Data.ByteString (Cabalised) also provides byte level operations, and is used in some applications for binary IO
- SerTH, the TH version (sort of) of NewBinary.
- PeterSimons's BlockIO package (Cabalized):
- JohnGoerzen's MissingH package (Cabalized):
- SimonMarlow's experimental NewIO package: (documentation at
For very simple serialisation, use read
and show
If you have simple binary IO requirements, then Data.ByteString might be easiest -- you get a List-like interface to packed byte arrays (interface documented here). For more complex serialisation, Data.Binary would be preferred.