Blog articles/Exercises
Programming exercises in Haskell
- Diff in Haskell
- Introductory Haskell: Solving the Sorting-It-Out Kata
- The "perfect shuffles" puzzle (solved in Haskell)
- A Simple RPN Calculator in Haskell
- Software Cipher
- Dot matrix printer
- Overlap function in Haskell for rectangles
- Tying Knots Generically
- A quick and dirty theorem prover in Haskell
- Brainf*k interpreter in Haskell
- FourFours in Haskell
- Using Bayesian filtering instead of 'if' in Haskell
- Counting fibonaccis
- Decision making
- Solving an arithmetic puzzle with Haskell
- The Rationals
- Break a string into pieces
Particular exercises
Prime sieves
Supermarket Pricing
Ball Clock Puzzle
The Google Code Jam "countPaths" problem
Secret Santas in Haskell
Run length encoding
The bowling puzzle
- The Bowling Game Kata in Haskell
- Bowling in Haskell
Norvig's spell checker
Chris' Puzzle
Word numbers
- Solving the word numbers problem: