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import Data.Array (Array, array, (!), elems)
problem_74 = undefined
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.List (foldl1')
import Prelude hiding (cycle)
fact :: Integer -> Integer
fact 0 = 1
fact n = foldl1' (*) [1..n]
factorDigits :: Array Integer Integer
factorDigits = array (0,2177281) [(x,n)|x <- [0..2177281], let n = sum $ map (\y -> fact (toInteger $ ord y - 48)) $ show x]
cycle :: Integer -> Integer
cycle 145 = 1
cycle 169 = 3
cycle 363601 = 3
cycle 1454 = 3
cycle 871 = 2
cycle 45361 = 2
cycle 872 = 2
cycle 45362 = 2
cycle _ = 0
isChainLength :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
isChainLength len n
| len < 0 = False
| t = isChainLength (len-1) n'
| otherwise = (len - c) == 0
c = cycle n
t = c == 0
n' = factorDigits ! n
-- | strict version of the maximum function
maximum' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
maximum' [] = undefined
maximum' [x] = x
maximum' (a:b:xs) = let m = max a b in m `seq` maximum' (m : xs)
problem_74 :: Int
problem_74 = length $ filter (\(_,b) -> isChainLength 59 b) $ zip ([0..] :: [Integer]) $ take 1000000 $ elems factorDigits

Revision as of 10:58, 20 August 2007

Problem 71

Listing reduced proper fractions in ascending order of size.


import Data.Ratio (Ratio, (%), numerator)

fractions :: [Ratio Integer]
fractions = [f | d <- [1..1000000], let n = (d * 3) `div` 7, let f = n%d, f /= 3%7]

problem_71 :: Integer
problem_71 = numerator $ maximum $ fractions

Problem 72

How many elements would be contained in the set of reduced proper fractions for d ≤ 1,000,000?


Using the Farey Sequence method, the solution is the sum of phi (n) from 1 to 1000000.

See problem 69 for phi function

problem_72 = sum [phi x|x <- [1..1000000]]

Problem 73

How many fractions lie between 1/3 and 1/2 in a sorted set of reduced proper fractions?


import Data.Ratio (Ratio, (%), numerator, denominator)

median :: Ratio Int -> Ratio Int -> Ratio Int
median a b = ((numerator a) + (numerator b)) % ((denominator a) + (denominator b))

count :: Ratio Int -> Ratio Int -> Int
count a b
    | d > 10000 = 1
    | otherwise   = count a m + count m b
        m = median a b
        d = denominator m

problem_73 :: Int
problem_73 = (count (1%3) (1%2)) - 1

Problem 74

Determine the number of factorial chains that contain exactly sixty non-repeating terms.


import Data.Array (Array, array, (!), elems)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.List (foldl1')
import Prelude hiding (cycle)

fact :: Integer -> Integer
fact 0 = 1
fact n = foldl1' (*) [1..n]

factorDigits :: Array Integer Integer
factorDigits = array (0,2177281) [(x,n)|x <- [0..2177281], let n = sum $ map (\y -> fact (toInteger $ ord y - 48)) $ show x]

cycle :: Integer -> Integer
cycle 145    = 1
cycle 169    = 3
cycle 363601 = 3
cycle 1454   = 3
cycle 871    = 2
cycle 45361  = 2
cycle 872    = 2
cycle 45362  = 2
cycle _      = 0

isChainLength :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool
isChainLength len n
    | len < 0   = False
    | t         = isChainLength (len-1) n'
    | otherwise = (len - c) == 0
        c = cycle n
        t = c == 0
        n' = factorDigits ! n

-- | strict version of the maximum function
maximum' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
maximum' [] = undefined
maximum' [x] = x
maximum' (a:b:xs) = let m = max a b in m `seq` maximum' (m : xs)

problem_74 :: Int
problem_74 = length $ filter (\(_,b) -> isChainLength 59 b) $ zip ([0..] :: [Integer]) $ take 1000000 $ elems factorDigits

Problem 75

Find the number of different lengths of wire can that can form a right angle triangle in only one way.

Solution: This is only slightly harder than problem 39. The search condition is simpler but the search space is larger.

problem_75 = length . filter ((== 1) . length) $ group perims
    where  perims = sort [scale*p | p <- pTriples, scale <- [1..10^6 `div` p]]
           pTriples = [p |
                       n <- [1..1000],
                       m <- [n+1..1000],
                       even n || even m,
                       gcd n m == 1,
                       let a = m^2 - n^2,
                       let b = 2*m*n,
                       let c = m^2 + n^2,
                       let p = a + b + c,
                       p <= 10^6]

Problem 76

How many different ways can one hundred be written as a sum of at least two positive integers?


problem_76 = undefined

Problem 77

What is the first value which can be written as the sum of primes in over five thousand different ways?


problem_77 = undefined

Problem 78

Investigating the number of ways in which coins can be separated into piles.


problem_78 = undefined

Problem 79

By analysing a user's login attempts, can you determine the secret numeric passcode?


problem_79 = undefined

Problem 80

Calculating the digital sum of the decimal digits of irrational square roots.


problem_80 = undefined