Haddock/Development ideas

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Most of these ideas are very old, but some may still be relevant.

  • It would be good to have a recursive flag that would operate on all the .hs and .lhs files under a single directory.
  • There should be an annotation to include a function's entire definition in the documentation. This would be useful for functions like (.) and mapM where the definition is the clearest possible documentation.
  • There should be an option to include a simplified implementation of a function that is equivalent to the one in the code. For instance, instead of showing a complex implementation of List.length that makes use of stream fusion we could show a simple one based on foldl'.
  • Optionally show qualifications of identifiers, that is print Sequence.map rather than map, Music.T rather than just T. The option for haddock could be --qualification QUAL
    • none (default) strip off qualification (just map)
    • orig show the identifiers as they are written in the module (e.g. map or List.map)
    • full show all identifiers with full qualification (Data.List.map)