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[[Category:Haskell Quiz solutions|Bytecode Compiler]]
This solution isn't the cleanest or quite tested, but if you load it in hugs and run:
This solution should work correctly. All test strings from the quiz evaluate to the correct values. To see it for yourself, execute the <hask>interpret_tests</hask> function.
To see the (symbolic) byte codes generated, run <hask>generate_tests</hask>. To see the actual byte codes, run <hask>compile_tests</hask>. To see that the values produced by each expression match those expected, run <hask>eval_tests</hask>. The last actually evaluates the AST, without generating any bytescodes. The tests are contained in the variables <hask>test1,test2, ..., test6</hask>, which correspond to the six "test_n" methods found in the quiz's test program.
compile $ parse $ tokenize $ stmt1
compile $ parse $ tokenize $ stmt2
compile $ parse $ tokenize $ stmt8
The byte codes aren't optimized. For example, SWAP is never used. However, they should produce correct results (even for negative and LCONST/CONST values).
You'll see the byte codes generated. I didn't implement any optimizations (i.e. using SWAP).
The code below is literate Haskell.
The code below is literate Haskell.
Line 14: Line 10:
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (parse)
import Data.Char(isAlpha, isDigit, isSeparator)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P (parse)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
-- Represents various operations that can be applied
data Op = Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Pow | Mod
-- to expressions.
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Op = Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Pow | Mod | Neg
data Token = RightParen
| LeftParen
| Number Integer
| Operator Op
deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Represents expression we can build - either numbers or expressions
-- connected by operators. This structure is the basis of the AST built
-- when parsing
data Expression = Statement Op Expression Expression
data Expression = Statement Op Expression Expression
| Val Integer
| Val Integer
Line 30: Line 29:
deriving (Show)
deriving (Show)
-- Define the byte codes that can be generated.
data Bytecode = NOOP | CONST Integer | LCONST Integer
data Bytecode = NOOP | CONST Integer | LCONST Integer
Line 40: Line 40:
deriving (Show)
deriving (Show)
expr1 = Statement Plus (Val 1) (Val 2)
expr2 = Statement Mult (Statement Plus (Val 1) (Val 2)) (Val 3)
-- Using imported Parsec.Expr library, build a parser for expressions.
-- Take a statement and evaluate
expr :: Parser Expression
expr =
buildExpressionParser table factor
<?> "expression"
-- Recognizes a factor in an expression
factor =
do{ char '('
; x <- expr
; char ')'
; return x
<|> number
<?> "simple expression"
-- Recognizes a number
number :: Parser Expression
number = do{ ds <- many1 digit
; return (Val (read ds))
<?> "number"
-- Specifies operator, associativity, precendence, and constructor to execute
-- and built AST with.
table =
[[prefix "-" (Statement Mult (Val (-1)))],
[binary "^" (Statement Pow) AssocRight],
[binary "*" (Statement Mult) AssocLeft, binary "/" (Statement Div) AssocLeft, binary "%" (Statement Mod) AssocLeft],
[binary "+" (Statement Plus) AssocLeft, binary "-" (Statement Minus) AssocLeft]
binary s f assoc
= Infix (do{ string s; return f}) assoc
prefix s f
= Prefix (do{ string s; return f})
-- Parses a string into an AST, using the parser defined above
parse s = case P.parse expr "" s of
Right ast -> ast
Left e -> error $ show e
-- Take AST and evaluate (mostly for testing)
eval (Val n) = n
eval (Val n) = n
eval (Statement op left right)
eval (Statement op left right)
Line 53: Line 91:
| op == Mod = eval left `mod` eval right
| op == Mod = eval left `mod` eval right
-- Take a string and tokenize it
-- Takes an AST and turns it into a byte code list
generate stmt = generate' stmt []
tokenize [] = []
tokenize ('(':xs) = LeftParen : tokenize xs
generate' (Statement op left right) instr =
tokenize (')':xs) = RightParen : tokenize xs
tokenize (x:xs) | isDigit x = let (val, remaining) = span isDigit (x:xs)
in Number (read val) : tokenize remaining
li = generate' left instr
| isOperator x = toOperator x : tokenize xs
ri = generate' right instr
| isSeparator x = tokenize (dropWhile isSeparator xs)
lri = li ++ ri
in case op of
makeOp '+' = Just $ Operator Plus
Plus -> lri ++ [ADD]
makeOp '-' = Just $ Operator Minus
Minus -> lri ++ [SUB]
makeOp '*' = Just $ Operator Mult
Mult -> lri ++ [MUL]
makeOp '/' = Just $ Operator Div
Div -> lri ++ [DIV]
makeOp '^' = Just $ Operator Pow
Mod -> lri ++ [MOD]
makeOp '%' = Just $ Operator Mod
Pow -> lri ++ [POW]
makeOp _ = Nothing
generate' (Val n) instr
toOperator x = case makeOp x of
| abs n > 32768 = LCONST n : instr
Just x -> x
| otherwise = CONST n : instr
_ -> error "Bad operator."
isOperator x = case makeOp x of
Just x -> True
_ -> False
-- Takes a statement and converts it into a list of actual bytes to
stmt1 = "1 + 2" -- 3
-- be interpreted
stmt2 = "1 + 2 * 3" -- 7
compile s = toBytes (generate $ parse s)
stmt3 = "(1 + 2) * 3" -- 9
stmt4 = "4 - 5 * 2" -- -6
stmt5 = "5 * (2 - 4)" -- -10
stmt6 = "(1*3)*4*(5*6)" -- 360
stmt7 = "2^(2+(3/2)^2)" -- 8
stmt8 = "(10%3)*(2+2)" -- 4
-- Convert a list of byte codes to a list of integer codes. If LCONST or CONST
-- instruction are seen, correct byte representantion is produced
Based on http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Misc/exp_parsing.htm
toBytes ((NOOP):xs) = 0 : toBytes xs
toBytes ((CONST n):xs) = 1 : (toConstBytes (fromInteger n)) ++ toBytes xs
toBytes ((LCONST n):xs) = 2 : (toLConstBytes (fromInteger n)) ++ toBytes xs
toBytes ((ADD):xs) = 0x0a : toBytes xs
toBytes ((SUB):xs) = 0x0b : toBytes xs
toBytes ((MUL):xs) = 0x0c : toBytes xs
toBytes ((POW):xs) = 0x0d : toBytes xs
toBytes ((DIV):xs) = 0x0e : toBytes xs
toBytes ((MOD):xs) = 0x0f : toBytes xs
toBytes ((SWAP):xs) = 0x0a : toBytes xs
toBytes [] = []
-- Convert number to CONST representation (2 element list)
E -> E + E
toConstBytes n = toByteList 2 n
E -> E * E
toLConstBytes n = toByteList 4 n
E -> E / E
E -> E - E
E -> E % E
E -> E ^ E
E -> ( E )
E -> n
Transform to
E --> Exp(0)
Exp(p) --> P {B Exp(q)}
P --> "(" E ")" | v
B --> "+" | "-" | "*" |"/" | "^" | "%"
-- Convert a number into a list of 8-bit bytes (big-endian/network byte order).
-- Make sure final list is size elements long
toByteList :: Bits Int => Int -> Int -> [Int]
^ 3
toByteList size n = reverse $ take size (toByteList' n)
*, /, % 2
+, - 1
toByteList' a = (a .&. 255) : toByteList' (a `shiftR` 8)
-- All tests defined by the quiz, with the associated values they should evaluate to.
test1 = [(2+2, "2+2"), (2-2, "2-2"), (2*2, "2*2"), (2^2, "2^2"), (2 `div` 2, "2/2"),
(2 `mod` 2, "2%2"), (3 `mod` 2, "3%2")]
test2 = [(2+2+2, "2+2+2"), (2-2-2, "2-2-2"), (2*2*2, "2*2*2"), (2^2^2, "2^2^2"), (4 `div` 2 `div` 2, "4/2/2"),
-- define precdence of operators
(7`mod`2`mod`1, "7%2%1")]
precedence Plus = 1
precedence Minus = 1
test3 = [(2+2-2, "2+2-2"), (2-2+2, "2-2+2"), (2*2+2, "2*2+2"), (2^2+2, "2^2+2"),
precedence Mult = 2
(4 `div` 2+2, "4/2+2"), (7`mod`2+1, "7%2+1")]
precedence Div = 3
precedence Mod = 2
precedence Pow = 3
test4 = [(2+(2-2), "2+(2-2)"), (2-(2+2), "2-(2+2)"), (2+(2*2), "2+(2*2)"), (2*(2+2), "2*(2+2)"),
-- Precedence comparison - gets precedence of
(2^(2+2), "2^(2+2)"), (4 `div` (2+2), "4/(2+2)"), (7`mod`(2+1), "7%(2+1)")]
-- given operator and determines if its greater than the value given.
(>*) op val = precedence op >= val
test5 = [(-2+(2-2), "-2+(2-2)"), (2-(-2+2), "2-(-2+2)"), (2+(2 * -2), "2+(2*-2)")]
-- Precedence addition - for left associative operators,
-- return its precedence + 1. For righ associative, just return the operators
-- precedence.
prec_add p@(Pow) = precedence p
prec_add p = 1 + precedence p
test6 = [((3 `div` 3)+(8-2), "(3/3)+(8-2)"), ((1+3) `div` (2 `div` 2)*(10-8), "(1+3)/(2/2)*(10-8)"),
parse [] = error "Can't parse empty list of tokens"
((1*3)*4*(5*6), "(1*3)*4*(5*6)"), ((10`mod`3)*(2+2), "(10%3)*(2+2)"), (2^(2+(3 `div` 2)^2), "2^(2+(3/2)^2)"),
parse tokens = fst $ parseE tokens 0
((10 `div` (2+3)*4), "(10/(2+3)*4)"), (5+((5*4)`mod`(2+1)), "5+((5*4)%(2+1))")]
where parseE tokens prec
= let (p, remaining) = parseP tokens prec
if remaining == []
then (p, remaining)
else case head remaining of
Operator op ->
if op >* prec
let (right, rest) = parseE (tail remaining) $ prec_add op
in (Statement op p right, rest)
else let (left, rest) = parseE (tail remaining) $ prec
in (Statement op left p, rest)
_ -> (p, remaining)
parseP ((Number n):ts) prec = (Val n, ts)
parseP ((LeftParen):ts) prec
= let (e, remaining) = parseE ts 0
in (e, tail remaining)
-- Evaluates the tests and makes sure the expressions match the expected values
compile stmt = compile' stmt []
eval_tests = concatMap eval_tests [test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6]
eval_tests ((val, stmt):ts) =
let eval_val = eval $ parse stmt
if val == eval_val
then ("Passed: " ++ stmt) : eval_tests ts
else ("Failed: " ++ stmt ++ "(" ++ show eval_val ++ ")") : eval_tests ts
eval_tests [] = []
-- Takes all the tests and displays symbolic bytes codes for each
compile' (Statement op left right) instr =
generate_tests = concatMap generate_all [test1,test2,test3,test4,test5,test6]
let li = compile' left instr
where generate_all = map (\(val, stmt) -> (stmt, generate (parse stmt)))
ri = compile' right instr
lri = li ++ ri
-- Takes all tests and generates a list of bytes representing them
in case op of
compile_tests = concatMap compile_all [test1,test2,test3,test4,test5,test6]
Plus -> lri ++ [ADD]
where compile_all = map (\(val, stmt) -> (stmt, compile stmt))
Minus -> lri ++ [SUB]
Mult -> lri ++ [MUL]
Div -> lri ++ [DIV]
Mod -> lri ++ [MOD]
Pow -> lri ++ [POW]
compile' (Val n) instr = instr ++ [LCONST n]
interpret_tests = concatMap f' [test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6]
f' = map f''
f'' (expected, stmt) =
let value = fromIntegral $ interpret [] $ compile stmt
if value == expected
then "Passed: " ++ stmt
else "Failed: " ++ stmt ++ "(" ++ (show value) ++ ")"
fromBytes n xs =
let int16 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral int32 :: Int16) :: Int
int32 = byte xs
byte xs = foldl (\accum byte -> (accum `shiftL` 8) .|. (byte)) (head xs) (take (n - 1) (tail xs))
if n == 2
then int16
else int32
interpret [] [] = error "no result produced"
interpret (s1:s) [] = s1
interpret s (o:xs) | o < 10 = interpret ((fromBytes (o*2) xs):s) (drop (o*2) xs)
interpret (s1:s2:s) (o:xs)
| o == 16 = interpret (s2:s1:s) xs
| otherwise = interpret (((case o of 10 -> (+); 11 -> (-); 12 -> (*); 13 -> (^); 14 -> div; 15 -> mod) s2 s1):s) xs

Latest revision as of 02:32, 19 February 2010

This solution should work correctly. All test strings from the quiz evaluate to the correct values. To see it for yourself, execute the interpret_tests function.

To see the (symbolic) byte codes generated, run generate_tests. To see the actual byte codes, run compile_tests. To see that the values produced by each expression match those expected, run eval_tests. The last actually evaluates the AST, without generating any bytescodes. The tests are contained in the variables test1,test2, ..., test6, which correspond to the six "test_n" methods found in the quiz's test program.

The byte codes aren't optimized. For example, SWAP is never used. However, they should produce correct results (even for negative and LCONST/CONST values).

The code below is literate Haskell.

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (parse)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P (parse)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int

-- Represents various operations that can be applied
-- to expressions.
data Op = Plus | Minus | Mult | Div | Pow | Mod | Neg
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- Represents expression we can build - either numbers or expressions
-- connected by operators. This structure is the basis of the AST built
-- when parsing
data Expression = Statement Op Expression Expression
           | Val Integer
           | Empty
  deriving (Show)

-- Define the byte codes that can be generated. 
data Bytecode = NOOP | CONST Integer | LCONST Integer
            | ADD
            | SUB
            | MUL
            | POW
            | DIV
            | MOD
            | SWAP
  deriving (Show)

-- Using imported Parsec.Expr library, build a parser for expressions.
expr :: Parser Expression
expr =
  buildExpressionParser table factor
  <?> "expression"
  -- Recognizes a factor in an expression
  factor  =
    do{ char '('
          ; x <- expr
          ; char ')'
          ; return x 
      <|> number
      <?> "simple expression"
  -- Recognizes a number
  number  :: Parser Expression 
  number  = do{ ds <- many1 digit
              ; return (Val (read ds))
          <?> "number"
  -- Specifies operator, associativity, precendence, and constructor to execute
  -- and built AST with.
  table =
    [[prefix "-" (Statement Mult (Val (-1)))],
      [binary "^" (Statement Pow) AssocRight],
      [binary "*" (Statement Mult) AssocLeft, binary "/" (Statement Div) AssocLeft, binary "%" (Statement Mod) AssocLeft],
      [binary "+" (Statement Plus) AssocLeft, binary "-" (Statement Minus) AssocLeft]
      binary s f assoc
         = Infix (do{ string s; return f}) assoc
      prefix s f 
         = Prefix (do{ string s; return f})

-- Parses a string into an AST, using the parser defined above
parse s = case P.parse expr "" s of
  Right ast -> ast
  Left e -> error $ show e
-- Take AST and evaluate (mostly for testing)
eval (Val n) = n
eval (Statement op left right)
        | op == Mult = eval left * eval right
        | op == Minus = eval left - eval right
        | op == Plus = eval left + eval right
        | op == Div = eval left `div` eval right
        | op == Pow = eval left ^ eval right
        | op == Mod = eval left `mod` eval right

-- Takes an AST and turns it into a byte code list
generate stmt = generate' stmt []
               generate' (Statement op left right) instr =
                               li = generate' left instr
                               ri = generate' right instr
                               lri = li ++ ri
                       in case op of
                               Plus -> lri ++ [ADD]
                               Minus -> lri ++ [SUB]
                               Mult -> lri ++ [MUL]
                               Div -> lri ++ [DIV]
                               Mod -> lri ++ [MOD]
                               Pow -> lri ++ [POW]
               generate' (Val n) instr
                | abs n > 32768 = LCONST n : instr  
                | otherwise     = CONST n : instr

-- Takes a statement and converts it into a list of actual bytes to
-- be interpreted
compile s = toBytes (generate $ parse s)

-- Convert a list of byte codes to a list of integer codes. If LCONST or CONST
-- instruction are seen, correct byte representantion is produced
toBytes ((NOOP):xs) = 0 : toBytes xs 
toBytes ((CONST n):xs) = 1 : (toConstBytes (fromInteger n)) ++ toBytes xs
toBytes ((LCONST n):xs) = 2 : (toLConstBytes (fromInteger n)) ++ toBytes xs
toBytes ((ADD):xs) = 0x0a : toBytes xs
toBytes ((SUB):xs) = 0x0b : toBytes xs
toBytes ((MUL):xs) = 0x0c : toBytes xs
toBytes ((POW):xs) = 0x0d : toBytes xs
toBytes ((DIV):xs) = 0x0e : toBytes xs
toBytes ((MOD):xs) = 0x0f : toBytes xs
toBytes ((SWAP):xs) = 0x0a : toBytes xs
toBytes [] = []

-- Convert number to CONST representation (2 element list)
toConstBytes n = toByteList 2 n 
toLConstBytes n = toByteList 4 n 

-- Convert a number into a list of 8-bit bytes (big-endian/network byte order).
-- Make sure final list is size elements long
toByteList ::  Bits Int => Int -> Int -> [Int]
toByteList size n = reverse $ take size (toByteList' n)
      toByteList' a = (a .&. 255) : toByteList' (a `shiftR` 8)

-- All tests defined by the quiz, with the associated values they should evaluate to.
test1 = [(2+2, "2+2"), (2-2, "2-2"), (2*2, "2*2"), (2^2, "2^2"), (2 `div` 2, "2/2"),
  (2 `mod` 2, "2%2"), (3 `mod` 2, "3%2")]

test2 = [(2+2+2, "2+2+2"), (2-2-2, "2-2-2"), (2*2*2, "2*2*2"), (2^2^2, "2^2^2"), (4 `div` 2 `div` 2, "4/2/2"),
  (7`mod`2`mod`1, "7%2%1")]
test3 = [(2+2-2, "2+2-2"), (2-2+2, "2-2+2"), (2*2+2, "2*2+2"), (2^2+2, "2^2+2"),
  (4 `div` 2+2, "4/2+2"), (7`mod`2+1, "7%2+1")]

test4 = [(2+(2-2), "2+(2-2)"), (2-(2+2), "2-(2+2)"), (2+(2*2), "2+(2*2)"), (2*(2+2), "2*(2+2)"),
  (2^(2+2), "2^(2+2)"), (4 `div` (2+2), "4/(2+2)"), (7`mod`(2+1), "7%(2+1)")]

test5 = [(-2+(2-2), "-2+(2-2)"), (2-(-2+2), "2-(-2+2)"), (2+(2 * -2), "2+(2*-2)")]

test6 = [((3 `div` 3)+(8-2), "(3/3)+(8-2)"), ((1+3) `div` (2 `div` 2)*(10-8), "(1+3)/(2/2)*(10-8)"), 
    ((1*3)*4*(5*6), "(1*3)*4*(5*6)"), ((10`mod`3)*(2+2), "(10%3)*(2+2)"), (2^(2+(3 `div` 2)^2), "2^(2+(3/2)^2)"),
    ((10 `div` (2+3)*4), "(10/(2+3)*4)"), (5+((5*4)`mod`(2+1)), "5+((5*4)%(2+1))")]

-- Evaluates the tests and makes sure the expressions match the expected values
eval_tests = concatMap eval_tests [test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6]
    eval_tests ((val, stmt):ts) =
      let eval_val = eval $ parse stmt 
        if val == eval_val 
        then ("Passed: " ++ stmt) : eval_tests ts
        else ("Failed: " ++ stmt ++ "(" ++ show eval_val ++ ")") : eval_tests ts
    eval_tests [] = []

-- Takes all the tests and displays symbolic bytes codes for each
generate_tests = concatMap generate_all [test1,test2,test3,test4,test5,test6]
  where generate_all = map (\(val, stmt) -> (stmt, generate (parse stmt)))
-- Takes all tests and generates a list of bytes representing them
compile_tests = concatMap compile_all [test1,test2,test3,test4,test5,test6]
  where compile_all = map (\(val, stmt) -> (stmt, compile stmt))

interpret_tests = concatMap f' [test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6]
    f' = map f''
    f'' (expected, stmt) =
      let value = fromIntegral $ interpret [] $ compile stmt
        if value == expected
        then "Passed: " ++ stmt
        else "Failed: " ++ stmt ++ "(" ++ (show value) ++ ")"

fromBytes n xs =
  let int16 = fromIntegral (fromIntegral int32 :: Int16) :: Int
      int32 = byte xs
      byte xs = foldl (\accum byte -> (accum `shiftL` 8) .|. (byte)) (head xs) (take (n - 1) (tail xs))
    if n == 2
    then int16 
    else int32 
interpret [] [] = error "no result produced"
interpret (s1:s) [] = s1
interpret s (o:xs) | o < 10 = interpret ((fromBytes (o*2) xs):s) (drop (o*2) xs)
interpret (s1:s2:s) (o:xs)
  | o == 16 = interpret (s2:s1:s) xs
  | otherwise = interpret (((case o of 10 -> (+); 11 -> (-); 12 -> (*); 13 -> (^); 14 -> div; 15 -> mod) s2 s1):s) xs