Difference between revisions of "Haskell Quiz/Constraint Processing/Solution Jethr0"

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m (added version which doesn't use builtin List Monad)
m (append is also a foldr)
Line 38: Line 38:
data List a = List a (List a) | Empty deriving (Show)
data List a = List a (List a) | Empty deriving (Show)
appendL :: List a -> List a -> List a
appendL Empty ys = ys
appendL (List x xs) ys = x `List` appendL xs ys
foldrL :: (a->b->b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldrL :: (a->b->b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldrL _ start Empty = start
foldrL _ start Empty = start
foldrL f start (List x xs) = f x (foldrL f start xs)
foldrL f start (List x xs) = f x (foldrL f start xs)
appendL :: List a -> List a -> List a
appendL xs ys = foldrL List ys xs
concatL :: List (List a) -> List a
concatL :: List (List a) -> List a

Revision as of 13:56, 19 December 2006

Basically there's nothing to be done in haskell for this quiz.

As the List Monad already provides non-deterministic evaluation with "guard" as a description of constraints, you really just have to write the problem in the List Monad and be done with it.

Of course one could write all kinds of wrapping hackery, but I think from the standpoint of usability and conciseness the built-in behaviour of haskell is already pretty optimal.

constr = do a <- [0..4]
            b <- [0..4]
            c <- [0..4]
            guard (a < b)
            guard (a + b == c)
            return ("a:",a,"b:",b,"c:",c)

> constr

Obviously, solving a problem with built-in functionality always feels a little like cheating, because it's "pure chance" that the solution to the problem is already built-in.

So, for the sake of argument and because I was bored here's the same solution under the premise that haskell's List Monad didn't already exist.

Unfortunately I "had" to reimplement a fair bit of the Prelude, but that's what happens if you start creating unrealistic scenarios :). Of course, the "do" notation is also kind of a built-in, but representing it with bind (>>=) only made is less nice to look at.

data List a = List a (List a) | Empty deriving (Show)

foldrL :: (a->b->b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldrL _ start Empty       = start
foldrL f start (List x xs) = f x (foldrL f start xs)

appendL :: List a -> List a -> List a
appendL xs ys = foldrL List ys xs

concatL :: List (List a) -> List a
concatL = foldrL appendL Empty

instance Functor List where
    fmap f = foldrL (\a b -> f a `List` b) Empty

instance Monad List where
    return x = List x Empty
    l >>= f  = concatL . fmap f $ l

instance MonadPlus List where
    mzero = Empty
    mplus = appendL

range :: (Integral a) => a -> a -> List a
range from to | from > to  = Empty
              | from == to = List to Empty
              | otherwise  = List from (range (from+1) to)

constr' = do a <- range 0 4
             b <- range 0 4
             c <- range 0 4
             guard (a < b)
             guard (a + b == c)
             return (a,b,c)