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If you are working with Haskell and making iPhone apps, or if you intend to soon, please fill in your info below. By helping each other out, we can work more productively and have more fun.

There are at least two ways to use Haskell to make iPhone apps. One is having a Haskell-to-iPhone compiler, which would probably cross-compile from another host environment (probably Mac OS X). Another way is to write Haskell programs that generate iPhone-compatible code when run (rather than when compiled), based on an embedded DSL, similarly to Compiling Embedded Languages.


GHC as a cross compiler

GHC has full support for cross compiling to iOS: See https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/CrossCompiling/iOS

Jhc as a cross compiler

Jhc has full support for cross compiling to the iPhone. Information on how to do so is in the jhc manual under Cross Compilation. Basically, you just add the following to your ~/.jhc/targets.ini


and then invoke jhc with the --cross and -miphone options.

Other ways to stay in touch

Chat with us on the #haskell-iphone IRC channel on freenode. Does anyone know how to set up channel logging?

Name Contact info Haskell-fu (0-5) iPhone-fu (0-5) Have (to share) Need Intended iPhone apps
Conal Elliott Home, blog, wiki user, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, IRC: conal 5 0 Functional graphics & GUI, misc Haskell libs, design skills, iPhone basics Haskell-to-iPhone compiler, tricky iPhone stuff Interactive graphics toys
Chris Eidhof Home, Tupil, wiki user, Twitter, Linkedin, IRC: chr1s 4 3 iPhone experience, web programming experience, dependent types experience Haskell-to-iPhone compiler (either as DSL or GHC Core -> iPhone) Navigation-based apps (think of things like iTunes, Facebook, etc.), Games (maybe using a combination of FRP and something like arrowlets)
Daniel Peebles Home, Twitter 3 4 Extensive iPhone platform knowledge GHC cross-compiling to ARM Mach-O Nothing in particular yet
John Meacham Home, blog - - Working Haskell to iPhone compiler (jhc) Testers and Feedback to make cross compilation smoother. HOC integration with jhc. Symbolic Algebra Application, Equation Editor
Eelco Lempsink Home, Tupil, wiki user, Twitter, Linkedin, IRC: eelco 4 3 iPhone and web experience Haskell-to-iPhone with (Cocoa Touch) API intergration Nothing in particular, looking for a good Haskell use-case :)
Bernd Brassel Home,art2guide 5 4 Haskell experience, iPhone developer iPhone embedding into Haskell, good programmers audio-visual guiding systems
Martin Kudlvasr not exactly home,LinkedIn, irc: trin_cz, xmpp: trin@jabbim.cz 3 0 year of haskell experience in OpenGL and project euler iPhone basics, Haskell-to-iPhone compiler fascinated by reactive, game development
Sebastiaan Visser Projects, wiki user, Twitter 4 0 Some experience/ideas about building EDSLs. Deep EDSL Haskell-to-ObjectiveC, high-level to target GUI/animation. Nothing in particular yet. Want to have objective C backend for this EDSL.
Manuel Chakravarty Home, blog, wiki user, Twitter, LinkedIn, IRC: Chilli 5 2 Haskell EDSL & compiler know how; Objective-C and Cocoa Touch basics Haskell tools for iphone dev games & productivity apps
Ryan Trinkle wiki user, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, IRC/AIM: RyanT5000 4 3 GHC iPhone compilation (working, to be contributed to GHC soon) Smart people Games
Stephen Blackheath wiki user, IRC: blackh, email 4 2 Working with Ryan Trinkle to release GHC iPhone compilation Games
Simon Marlow wiki user, Twitter, IRC: JaffaCake 5 0 Happy to help with GHC porting issues: ask on #ghc
Simon Michael home, email, IRC: sm 3 1 hledger project, darcs/happstack/web dev/sysadmin experience
Max Weisel Home, Twitter, IRC:mxweas 3 5 Ample Toolchain/SDK development knowledge & experience.
Sung Yoon Home 1 4 iPhone App development Games, interactive graphics/sound apps
Jonathan Fischoff LinkedIn, Facebook, wiki user, IRC: jfischoff 1 1 Game engines. Art asset pipelines. Games, graphics toys
Lyndon Tremblay Home, Facebook, wiki user, Twitter, IRC: whomasect/humasect/Sitting 4 5 Experienced mac/iphone/haskell/gnu developer. Maintaining and clean GL and AL wrappers, and cleaner ObjC integration which allows to develop Cocoa apps. (can provide and also port to iPhone), and defunct Xcode haskell plugin considered to be rewritten. Haskell-to-iPhone compiler, tricky iPhone stuff, GHCi Games, roguelike, scrolling shooter - Realtime game and procedural development visualization engines and environment, animation and music apps
Bryan Turner Home 3 3 Professional Haskell programmer, experienced mobile/embedded developer. Experience with iPhone Safari development via HTML, XML, JS, SQL. Native iPhone work via C, OpenGL. Interested in connecting with other Haskell for iPhone developers. Productivity, games, next-gen human interface.
David Terei Twitter, user, IRC: davidt_ 4 0 GHC compiler knowledge, LLVM knowledge. Interested in porting ghc to ARM Anything
Ivan Perez Company facebook, Linkedin, Twitter: email: ivan (dot) perez (at) keera (dot) co (dot) uk] 4 2 Games, Applications with GUIs, several mobile applications. Compiling Haskell for iPhone Games, apps.
Josh Website:email nerdsville (at) nerdsville (dot) net 1 0 Desire and ability to learn Experienced in Haskell who is willing to teach Undecided