Applications and libraries/Compilers and interpreters
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Haskell, with its support for pattern matching on data structures, generic structure traversals, and expressive type system, is popular for implementing compilers and interpreters. Here's a selection of compilers and interpreters implemented in Haskell.
Large languages
- GHC, The Glasgow Haskell Compiler, is written in Haskell
- Yhc
- Yhc, The York Haskell Compiler, is written in Haskell
- Jhc
- Jhc is a Haskell compiler which aims to produce the most efficient programs possible via whole program analysis
- nhc98
- A compiler for Haskell 98, written in Haskell
- Ehc
- The purpose of the EHC project is to provide a description of a Haskell compiler which is as understandable as possible so it can be used for education as well as research.
- UHC is the Utrecht Haskell Compiler. UHC supports almost all Haskell 98 features plus experimental extensions. The compiler runs under Mac OS X, Windows (Cygwin), and various Unix flavors.
- pH
- A parallel version of Haskell from MIT.
- Helium
- A Haskell subset for educational purposes
Generic Haskell
- Generic Haskell
- An extension of Haskell that supports generic programming
Data Field Haskell
- Data Field Haskell
- A dialect of the functional programming language Haskell that provides an instance of data fields
- Eden
- A Haskell dialect for parallel programming
- Chameleon
- A Haskell-style language which implements the ideas described in a ``A Theory of Overloading``
CHR (Constraint Handling Rules)
- Haskell CHR
- A concurrent committed-choice constraint logic programming language, implemented using GHC's software transactional memory. According to the site referenced by the above-mentioned link, "It also contains an implementation of WAM for Haskell, so Prolog-style terms with variables are now possible."
- STM-based CHR implementation, by Michael Stahl (gzipped TAR file)
- CCHR: STM-based CHR implementation by Lam and Sulzmann
- According to the site referenced by the above-mentioned link, "CCHR is an experimental concurrent implementation of Constraint Handling Rules, designed to exploit concurrency and parallelism explicitly. CCHR is implemented in Haskell, with software transactional memory to manage synchronization of multiple solver threads working on the same problem. Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) is a concurrent committed choice constraint logic programming language to describe transformations (rewritings) among multi-sets of constraints (atomic formulae). CHR naturally support concurrent programming. Conjunction of constraints can be regarded as interacting collections of multiple asynchronous agents or processes. Their interaction is specified via transformation rules which can be applied simultaneously if the transformation rules do not interfere. Hence, one would expect to run CHR faster by executing transformation rules in parallel on a multi-core machine architecture. CCHR exactly allows such concurrency while solving CHR problems and exhibits significant speed up in most problems when executed on multi-core systems."
- Elm
- The Elm programming language aims to make web development more pleasant. Elm is a type-safe, functional reactive language that compiles to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- A simplified version of the original BASIC embedded in Haskell.
- Liskell
- Liskell is Haskell on the inside but looks like Lisp on the outside
- Pugs
- Pugs is an implementation of Perl 6, written in Haskell. It aims to implement the full Perl6 specification.
- Berp
- Berp is an implementation of Python 3 in Haskell.
- haspy
- Haspy is an implementation of Python in Haskell
- RType
- RType is a Ruby interpreter written in Haskell
- Flapjax
- Flapjax is a language for functional reactive programming of AJAX web applications, whose compiler (source) is written in Haskell.
- Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours
- A small Scheme interpreter
- A Lisp Interpreter In Haskell
- A small lisp interpreter written in Haskell
Emacs Lisp
- Helisp
- The beginnings of an Emacs lisp compiler/interpreter.
- Epigram
- Epigram is a prototype dependently typed functional programming language
- The Münster Curry Compiler
- A native code compiler for the declarative multi-paradigm language Curry, written in Haskell
- Bluespec
- A compiler for a hardware description language translating a Haskell-like (but with System Verilog syntax these days) language to Verilog.
- Cayenne
- A compiler for a Haskell-like language with dependent types.
- Agda
- A Cayenne-like programming language and proof assistant.
- PolyP
- A polytypic programming language
- Harrorth
- Harrorth, a Forth interpreter
- Dynamic binding in Eiffel
- A model of dynamic binding in ECMA Eiffel, in Haskell
- Crouton
- Crouton is a small but fairly complete functional programming language for querying and transforming parsed manuscripts, such as the PPCME. It is intended as an alternative to Corpus Search, based on a different philosophy. It is written in (and largely based on) the very nice functional programming language Haskell using the Parsec library
- HJS is a JavaScript parser written in Haskell. Available from HackageDB.
- Hiccup
- Hiccup is a minimalistic TCL interpreter. It tries to be relatively simple, relatively efficient, and mostly correct.
- hst
- HST is a Smalltalk implementation in Haskell. See here for more information
- Discus
- Discus is an experimental dialect of Haskell which investigates static typing and program transformation in the presence of computational effects.
- Timber
- Timber is a modern language for building event-driven systems, based around the notion of reactive objects. It is also a purely functional language derived from Haskell, although with a strict evaluation semantics. The Timber compiler currently runs on Linux and MacOS X platforms, but uses gcc as its back-end so it should be easily portable to most POSIX-like environments.
- Ivory
- The Ivory Language is an eDSL for safe systems programming. You can think of Ivory as a safer C, embedded in Haskell. Github
Small languages
- PureScript
- A small strongly typed programming language that compiles to JavaScript
- Baskell
- An interpreter for a small functional programming language. Supports strict and non-strict evaluation, and type inference. Useful for teaching purposes.
- LambdaPi
- LambdaPi, An Implementation of a Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus
- Unlambda.hs
- An implementation of Unlambda in Haskell
- BF.hs
- An implementation of BF in Haskell
Lambda calculus
- 4 lambda calculus implementations
- With code, by Lennart Augustsson.
- archived code on GitHub
- LMEngine
- An implementation of the untyped lambda calculus
QML, a functional quantum programming language
- QML: A Functional Quantum Programming Language project
- It is implemented in Haskell.
- For online material on quantum computing in general, see Quantum Computation course held by John Preskill.
HQL - HHM's Quantified Lambda
- Hernan's Quantified Lambda
- a small functional language, whose expressions can involve the use of quantifier operators
- Atom
- Atom is a small HDL that compiles conditional term rewriting systems down to Verilog RTL.
- Feldspar
- Feldspar (Functional Embedded Language for DSP and PARallelism) is an embedded DSL for describing digital signal processing algorithms developed at Ericsson.
AL (Assignment Language)
- It is used for teaching purposes in at the Technical University of Vienna.
- An interpreter implemented in Haskell is described in ALI - an AL Interpreter implemented in Haskell written by Peter Robinson.
- Whitespace
- A language that uses whitespace characters as language elements and ignores all non-whitespace characters
- An interpreter for a tiny functional programming language. It features Hindley-Milner style type inference.
- Ministg
- An interpreter for a high-level, small-step, operational semantics for the STG machine. Features execution tracing, rendered in HTML. Useful for studying the behaviour of the STG machine and experimenting with extensions to the machine. Also useful for studying program language implementation.
- Constantinople
- A compiler for the Constantinople esolang. There are two datatypes, the list, and the bit, which can either be 0 or 1. Lists are infinite and lazily evaluated.
Embedded languages
The ForSyDe (Formal System Design) methodology has been developed with the objective to move system-on-chip design to a higher level of abstraction. ForSyDe is implemented as a Haskell-embedded behavioral DSL.
- Debussy
- A declarative debugger for OBJ-like languages
- See also Debugging.
This page contains a list of libraries and tools in a certain category. For a comprehensive list of such pages, see Applications and libraries.