Missing tutorials

From HaskellWiki

Describe here all your fantasy tutorials... tutorials you either wish you had the time to write or that somebody else would do

Basic Linear Algebra

It would be helpful to have a tutorial to explain which packages to use for some "standard" calculations (e.g. additions, multiplications, inverses) with vectors and matrices. There are many packages and it takes a while to find the ones serving basic needs (i.e. small arrays, no specific performance requirements....).

Haskell for Mac OS X fans

We've got:

What I would really like to see is a tutorial for Haskell hacking on a Mac, using Haskell to build those insanely great Mac applications. There's two ways you could go about it. One might be to build it as a Haskell-for-Objective-C programmers, thing. Another might be Mac OS X programming for Haskellers, with just enough Objective-C for you get by. Or a third approach still would be a super super friendly, graphical, tutorial for people who have never programmed in either. I was thinking along the lines of Learn Cocoa, but using Haskell!

As a goal application, I might suggest an iTunes-a-like

Database programming in Haskell