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[[Category:User interfaces]] [[Category:Proposals]] [[Category:Libraries]]
A design for a GUI library which is more like Haskell and less like C. To be written over Gtk2Hs.
A design for a GUI library which is more like Haskell and less like C. To be written over Gtk2Hs.
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== Thoughts by ==
== Thoughts by ==
Neil Mitchell, Duncan Coutts
Neil Mitchell, some patches from Joachim Breitner, discussions and help from Duncan Coutts
For a darcs repo see: http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/darcs/proplang/
== The Var concept ==
In particular check out Sample.hs, I am particularly proud of the word count:
This is the low level stuff, on which the library will be built
sb!text =< with1 (txt!text) (\x ->
data Var a = ...
"Word count: " ++ show (length $ words x))
data Notify = ...
== Overview ==
get :: Var a -> IO a
set :: Var a -> a -> IO ()
addNotify :: Var a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO Notify
remNotify :: Notify -> IO ()
There are events, you can register to be notified when an event fires by doing
newVar :: a -> IO (Var a)
event += handler
== A concrete implementation of Var ==
There are variables, which have events which fire, and a value which you can set and get.
One thing to avoid, global state that needs a specific init function
variable <- newVar "value"
data Var a = Var {value :: IORef a,
variable += handler
notifyId :: IORef Integer,
variable -< "value"
notifys :: IORef [(Integer, a -> IO ())],
x <- getVal variable
source :: IORef (Maybe Notify)}
There are objects, objects have properties. A property is just a variable.
data Notify = Notify {notifyId :: Integer, notifys :: IORef [(Integer, a -> IO ())]}
window!text += handler
newVar :: a -> IO (Var a)
window!text -< "Titlebar text"
newVar x = do v <- newIORef x
n <- newIORef []
c <- newIORef 0
a <- newIORef Nothing
return $ Var v c n a
There are bindings which relate variables.
get :: Var a -> IO a
get var = readIORef (value var)
-- the window text is the variable
set :: Var a -> a -> IO ()
window!text =<= variable
set var x = do n <- readIORef (notifys var)
-- the window text is the variable, but upppercase
writeIORef (value var) x
window!text =< with1 variable (map toUpper)
mapM_ (\(a,b) -> b x) n
-- combine the two texts to create the window text
window!text =< with2 variable1 variable2 (++)
If any of the values on the RHS of a binding change, then the LHS is updated.
addNotify :: Var a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO Notify
addNotify var f = do n <- readIORef (notifys var)
c <- readIORef (notifyId var)
writeIORef (notifyId var) (c+1)
writeIORef (notifys var) ((c, f) : n)
return $ Notify c (notifys var)
remNotify :: Notify -> IO ()
remNotify notify = do n <- readIORef (notifys notify)
writeIORef (notifys notify) (filter (\x -> fst x /= notifyId notify) n)
== Object layering ==
textBox~text -< "test"
filename <- newVar Nothing
addNotify filename hatCover
lbl~text =< with filename $ \x ->
case x of
Nothing -> "Select a file"
Just x -> "Loaded: " ++ x
(~) :: GtkObject -> GtkProp -> Var a -- ignoring lots of details here
(-<) :: Var a -> a -> IO ()
(=<) :: Var a -> Action a b -> IO ()
with :: Var a -> (a -> b) -> Action a b
== Implementation of Object Layering ==
data Action a b = Action (Var a) (a -> b)
with :: Var a -> (a -> b) -> Action a b
with var f = Action var f
(-<) :: Var a -> a -> IO ()
(-<) var val = set var val
(=<) :: Var a -> Action a -> IO ()
(=<) dest (Act src f) = do srcOld <- readIORef (source dest)
when (isJust srcOld) $ remNotify (fromJust srcOld)
note <- addNotify src (\x -> set dest (f x))
writeIORef (source dest) (Just note)

Latest revision as of 21:21, 23 June 2007

A design for a GUI library which is more like Haskell and less like C. To be written over Gtk2Hs.

Link: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/haskell/ports/

Thoughts by

Neil Mitchell, some patches from Joachim Breitner, discussions and help from Duncan Coutts

For a darcs repo see: http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/fp/darcs/proplang/

In particular check out Sample.hs, I am particularly proud of the word count:

sb!text =< with1 (txt!text) (\x ->
    "Word count: " ++ show (length $ words x))


There are events, you can register to be notified when an event fires by doing

event += handler

There are variables, which have events which fire, and a value which you can set and get.

variable <- newVar "value"
variable += handler
variable -< "value"
x <- getVal variable

There are objects, objects have properties. A property is just a variable.

window!text += handler
window!text -< "Titlebar text"

There are bindings which relate variables.

-- the window text is the variable
window!text =<= variable
-- the window text is the variable, but upppercase
window!text =< with1 variable (map toUpper)
-- combine the two texts to create the window text
window!text =< with2 variable1 variable2 (++)

If any of the values on the RHS of a binding change, then the LHS is updated.