Talk:Parallelism vs. Concurrency

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Parallelism vs concurrency: what's the difference?

Visible side effects:

  • Have a look at this ugly eysore "prototype definition" of par:
par     :: a -> b -> b
par x y =  case
             unsafeLocalState (forkIO (evaluate x >> return ()))
             !_ -> y


      evaluate :: a -> IO a
      forkIO   :: IO () -> IO ThreadId


  • x is well-defined (it contains no unsafe... calls),
  • x is well-behaved (not throwing exceptions or causing errors);


  1. forkIO attaches a ThreadId to its argument, adds it to the work-queue and returns the identifier;
  2. par then returns y;
  3. Some time later, forkIO's argument is called, causing evaluate to start evaluating x.

If y is still being evaluated when the evaluation of x commences, then we have concurrency, but with no visible side-effects - it behaves like elementary parallelism.

  • Now have a look at this nearly-as-ugly prototype definition for spawnIO forkIO:
forkIO     :: IO () -> IO ThreadId
forkIO act =  do v <- newEmptyMVar
                 let thr = do i <- myThreadId
                              putMVar v i
                 z <- unsafeInterleaveIO thr
                 par z (takeMVar v)


      myThreadId   :: IO ThreadId
      newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar a)
      putMVar      :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
      takeMVar     :: MVar a -> IO a
      par          :: a -> b -> b

Assuming par, newEmptyMVar, putMVar and takeMVar are primitive,


  1. An unused MVar is obtained: v;
  2. the parameter act is used to build thr which will store its ThreadId in v;
  3. z, the future result of thr, is then retrieved lazily by using unsafeInterleaveIO;
  4. par then presents z for parallel evaluation;
  5. putMVar waits while v is empty;
  6. putMVar then returns the contents of v.

This is parallelism, but having visible side effects - it behaves like elementary concurrency.

Can either prototype definition potentially go mainstream?

  • As shown by it's type signature, par is meant to have no visible effects: avoiding the use of unsafeLocalState means making it primitive;
  • While the use of unsafeInterleaveIO may annoy some, it being one of the earlier Haskell extensions means it's widely available.

For now, using a primitive par (and others) to define forkIO looks like the simplest option...but if using unsafeInterleaveIO really does annoy you, how about this:

forkIO       :: (OI -> ()) -> OI -> ThreadId
forkIO act u =  let !(u1:u2:u3:u4:u5:_) = parts u in
                let !v = newEmptyMVar u1
                let z  = let !i = myThreadId u2 in
                         let !_ = putMVar v i u3 in
                         let !_ = act u4 in
                in  par z (takeMVar v u5)

-- Atravers Tue Apr 20 06:04:10 UTC 2021