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Revision as of 08:04, 2 December 2008 by DonStewart (talk | contribs) (Automated update by hackage2hwn)
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Recent Package Updates hackage-daily.png Rss.png

system-uuid 1.0.2
Bindings to system UUID functions.
PlslTools 0.0.2
So far just a lint like program for PL/SQL. Diff and refactoring tools are planned
AERN-RnToRm-Plot 0.1.1
GL plotting of polynomial function enclosures (PFEs)
AERN-RnToRm 0.4.2
polynomial function enclosures (PFEs) approximating exact real functions
AERN-Real 0.9.8
arbitrary precision interval arithmetic for approximating exact real numbers
hake 1.1
make tool. ruby : rake = haskell : hake
NCurses bindings for Haskell
haxr 3000.1.1.2
XML-RPC client and server library.
yi 0.5.2
The Haskell-Scriptable Editor
vcard 0.1.3
A library for parsing/printing vCards from/to various formats.
yjtools 0.9.7
some tools for Monad, List, Tuple and so on.
vty 3.1.6
A simple terminal access library
TypeCompose 0.6.3
Type composition classes & instances
vector-space 0.5.1
Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives (requires ghc 6.9)
infinite-search 0.11
Exhaustively searchable infinite sets.
regexpr 0.5.1
regular expression like Perl/Ruby in Haskell
tagsoup-ht 0.2
alternative parser for the tagsoup package
CouchDB interface
