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I'm developing a tutorial on this page (slowly). I'm keeping it here so I can check out
format, figures, etc. before putting the whole think in the Tutorial area.
Very rough draft:
== Why? ==
Why would you want to do this? Those with Xcode/Interface Builder/
Cocoa experience will not need an explanation. On the chance that someone
else is browsing here, I'll list a few things.
* Cocoa is not a language, it is a vast library of Objective-C objects.
* Cocoa covers tasks such as:
** windowing, accessibility,
** pretty easy printing, with pdf automatically available,
** working with tables, trees, fonts, colors, images, and
** on and on...
* Objective-C is built on C, and is basically syntactic sugar for C.
* Interface Builder provides quick and easy construction of a complex user
interface with
** input fields, menus, toolbars,
** display of tables, outlines, trees,
** text fields (with built in editing), and
** more.
In Xcode together with Interface Builder, one can define most user
interfaces with simple drag and drop from a library, then
connect them with your code by dragging and drop in the IB screen.
You automatically get full integration with the Mac system. You get the
Mac Aqua look.
Enough said. What Cocoa doesn't provide are the tools for mathematical
modeling of an application domain that Haskell provides. Parsing comes
immediately to mind, as does information visualization (see
[[<Delhttp://themonadreader.wordpress.com The Monad Reader, 14]).
Use of a Haskell model fits nicely with the Apple Model–View–Controller
design pattern.
In the interest of full disclosure—I'm not an old time Mac person. I've
had my Mac for two years. I only decided to learn Objective-C and Cocoa
after I explored doing an application using Python and Qt, and someone in
the Python community said “Objective-C is easy. Why don't you write a real
Mac application”. Neither am I a Haskell expert.
== Overview of the app ==
Here are screen shots of the simple application we will develop. The one
on the leftshows the application widow (together with the menu
automatically generated by Xcode), ready to enter a number.
The one on the right shows the same scene after entering a number in the
text box, and pressing “return”.
The entire user interface was built in a short time using the graphical
Interface Builder, by dragging text the entry box, and the labels from a
library of “controls” onto the window. Notice that the labels are dynamic,
in the line “Fibonacci Number for n = … is: … ”.
I won't discuss Interface Builder any further in this tutorial.
== The Haskell module ==
For this test I used the same code as used in
[[Calling_Haskell_from_C|Calling Haskell from C], with some slight
modifications. Here is the Haskell code, in a file called ''FibTest.hs''.
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module FibTest where
import Foreign.C.Types
fibonacci :: Int -> Int
fibonacci n = fibs !! n
where fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
fibonacci_hs :: CInt -> CInt
fibonacci_hs = fromIntegral . fibonacci . fromIntegral
foreign export ccall fibonacci_hs :: CInt -> CInt
We compile this with ghc, viz:
$ ghc -c -O FibTest.hs
This produces the following files that we will import into Xcode:
* ''FibTest.o''
* ''FibTest_stub.h''
* ''FibTest_stub.o''
and the following files that we won't need:
* ''FibTest_stub.c''
* ''FibTest.hi''
== Import into Xcode project ==
First we start an Xcode project in the usual way. I started this as a
plain Cocoa application. I called my application CocoaHaskellFib.
Several steps can be done in any order:
=== Copy Files ===
FibTest.o, FibTest_stub.h, and FibTest_stub.o into the folder where
you have saved your CocoaHaskellFib project.
Then add them to the project by Project ➝ Add To Project .
=== Create application class ===
Next, create a Cocoa Objective-C class using the Xcode menu, File→New.
I named mine CocoaFib. Xcode will create both an interface file (.h) and an
implementation file (.m).
Here is my interface file:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface CocoaFib : NSObject {
IBOutlet NSTextField *integerInput;
IBOutlet NSTextField *fibOutput;
IBOutlet NSTextField *forNis;
The three outlets are for the user input, fibonacci number output, and the
And here is my implementation code:
#import "CocoaFib.h"
#include "HsFFI.h"
#include "FibTest_stub.h"
@implementation CocoaFib
int i = [intValue integerInput];
NSLog(@" in generate, integer input is %d\n",i );
unsigned int j = fibonacci_hs(i);
[setIntValue:i forNis];
[setIntValue:j fibOutput];
[dealloc super];
Note the include lines for 1) ''hsFFI.h'', and ''FibTest_stub.h''.
Note also the ''hs_exit'' call in ''dealloc''.
=== Modify main.m ===
When creating a Cocoa project, Xcode automatically generates a file
''main.m''. Normally, one never touches this file. However, when using
a Haskell module, one needs to initialize the Haskell run-time by calling
''hs_init''. Normally, I would do this in an ''init'' call of
''CocoaFib.m'', rather than in ''main.m'', but since ''hs_init'' needs an
''argc'' and ''argv'', and since ''main.m'' already has them hanging
around, I took the easy way out.
Here is ''main.m''
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "FibTest_stub.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
hs_init(&argc, &argv);
return NSApplicationMain(argc, (const char **) argv);
The only changes to the main.m provided by Xcode are the addition of
''include "FibTest_stub.h"'' and the call to ''hs_init''.
== Compile and run ==
This is the easy part. Just kidding. It should be easy, if it were easy
to make a library or executable containing ''FibTest.o'',
''FibTest_stub.o'' and all their dependencies. Unfortunately I've been
unable to do that, in spite of spending most of my spare time for a week
trying, and posting questions on ''Haskell-cafe''.
Anyway, here is how I did it. If you have a better way, here is a good
place to edit this tutorial!
=== Build and go, the first time ===
First, I added libffi.a to my project for good measure.
Then select build and go from the menu or the toolbar. This will result
something like 26 failures, all due to undefined symbols.
What to do?
What I did was go to the …/usr/lib/ghc-6.10.4 directory of my installation,
and run:
find . -name "lib*.a" | xargs nm > ~/develop/haskellLibInfo/libInfo
This results in a file with a list of all the available symbols from all
the libraries in the Haskell installation.
Entries look something like this:
U _arrayzm0zi2zi0zi0_DataziArrayziBase_STUArray_con_info
000000b0 D _arrayzm0zi2zi0zi0_DataziArrayziBase_zdWSTUArray_closure
0000009c T _arrayzm0zi2zi0zi0_DataziArrayziBase_zdWSTUArray_info
00000090 t _arrayzm0zi2zi0zi0_DataziArrayziBase_zdWSTUArray_info_dsp
00000078 t _s7RK_info
00000070 t _s7RK_info_dsp
Entries with a flag T (for text) are code. U of course indicates
undefined, and is no help to us. D indicates data, and is used (if I
understood correctly) for defined global constants.
OK. So what do you do with this?
Your Xcode output will say something like:
"_newCAF", referenced from:
_FibTest_a3_info in FibTest.o
"_base_GHCziBase_plusInt_closure", referenced from:
_FibTest_a3_info in FibTest.o
Now go look in your libinfo folder and look for ''T _newCAF''. It is in
Now go back to Xcode. In a Finder window, locate the file with libHSrts.a
in it. Drag libHSrts.a into the ''Groups and Files'' pane of the Xcode
window. You will get a dialog asking if you want to add it to the project.
Say yes, but don't copy the file into the project. Xcode will go and find
it when it tries to link.
Now when you redo ''Build and Go'', you will no doubt get even more
failures due to undefined symbols.
But don't dispair …
=== Iterate build and go ===
After a few interations of looking for the library containing missing
symbols you'll get a successful build.
Well, except I had one further problem.
=== Symlink renamed libgmp.a ===
I have a bunch of libgmp.a, libgmp.so, and libgmp.dylib on my machine.
Don't know where they all came from. Nevertheless, Xcode linking tries to
use the ones early in its search path, and they don't work with Haskell.
To get around this, I made a symbolic link in the usr/lib/ghc-6.10.4
directory as follows:
ln -s libgmp.a lib-h-gmp.a
and added lib-h-gmp.a to my project.
== That's all there is to it ==
Well, its a bit tedious, but consider the following:
You can (and probably should) test your Haskell model without any GUI, when
it's working as desired, then make a version with a C interface.
Once you import this into your Xcode project, with all the attendant adding
of .a files, you shouldn't have to change any of the .a file additions
again. Now you can concentrate on the View and Control part of your
== To do ==

Latest revision as of 16:22, 2 November 2009