Xmonad/Config archive

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xmonad configuration examples

Configuration files (Config.hs for xmonad < 0.5, xmonad.hs for xmonad >= 0.5)

For more screenshots see the Xmonad/Screenshots archive.

/Don's Config.hs (0.4), /Don's xmonad.hs (0.5)
colours, use custom terminal, dynamicLogDzen
/Gwern's Config.hs (0.5)
/Gwern's Config.hs (0.4) (old)
Ratpoison-y keybindings; example usage of XSelection.
/twifkak's Config.hs (0.4), /twifkak's xmonad.hs (0.5)
modMask = mod4Mask; noBorders tabbed layout; keybindings for dzen, rotview, swapworkspaces, windowbringer, and windownavigation; urgencyhook (only in darcs xmonad).
/nomeatas Config.hs (0.4)
modMaks = mod4Mask; gnome-stuff
/David Roundy's xmonad.hs (0.5)
Combo config for small screen + xclock. Requires the xmonad-library branch, so not for the faint of heart. This config also keeps mod=mod1, and therefore moves a number of key bindings to non-standard locations (my laptop has no spare modifier keys).
/Brent Yorgey's xmonad.hs (0.5)
modMask = mod4Mask; DynamicLog, RotView, ViewPrev, WindowNavigation, ToggleLayouts (toggle full screen mode), UrgencyHook + dzen, FlexibleManipulate, and a few others, with keybindings for all! (Warning: lots of non-standard keybindings. =)
/Robert Manea's Config.hs and support scripts (0.4) /Robert Manea's xmonad.hs (0.5)
Customized DynamicLog and ShellPrompt, some efforts to make the colors of all components go together well

0.4 screenshot:


0.5 screenshot:

Xmonad shellprompt newconf.png
/Eric Mertens's Config.hs (0.4) /Eric Mertens' xmonad.hs (0.5)
Customized DynamicLog, ShellPrompt, TilePrime, Dual-head and an effort to make the statusbar similar to DWM.
/vvv's Config.hs (0.4), /vvv's xmonad.hs (0.5)
CustomKeys, CycleWS, {Shell,Ssh,Man}Prompt, Submap, DynamicWorkspaces, NoBorders, and ion-like status bar written in nonkosher Perl.
/arossato's Config.hs (0.4) - /Andrea Rossato's xmonad.hs (0.5)
Tabbed, Xmobar with DynamicLog, (Shell|Ssh|Man)Prompt.
/Octoploid's xmonad.hs (0.5)
Xmobar with customized DynamicLog, RotView with custom keys, colors, terminal, golden ratio
Octoploid conf.png
Octoploid conf2.png
/Ray's xmonad.hs (0.5)
DynamicLog, custom manageHook, changed from default terminal, border colors, prompts, and layouts. Pseudo-Haskell dzen statusbar with greek letters for workspace names.
/nattfodd's xmonad.hs (0.5)
DynamicLog, NoBorders, urgencyHook and French keyboard.

Note on uploading

To upload your config file, create some text on this page of the form:

  ; [[/you Config.hs]] (0.4)
  : description of your setup

and save the page. This will create a new page under /you into which you can paste your Config.hs text. Wrap them in <haskell> and </haskell> tags, to enable nice markup; add a nice category like [[Category:XMonad configuration]], and upload. If you have an xmonad.hs for xmonad 0.5, upload that to

  ; [[/you xmonad.hs]] (0.5)

Images can be uploaded by clicking on the 'Upload file' link, and then referring to the uploaded image as, e.g.


which will scale the image correctly for a thumbnail.