Difference between revisions of "Xmonad/Config archive/sereven's xmonad.hs one-host"

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(fix so file compiles -- apparently was too big for xselection)
Line 1: Line 1:
Apparently this file is too big to copy all at once without errors, so copy paste in two sections, see -- SPLIT HERE -- comment
<haskell>------ sereven.0.8.4.xmonad.hs -------------------
------ may not want scaling dzen bar --------
------ may not want scaling dzen bar -------------
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xinerama
import Graphics.X11.Xinerama
Line 50: Line 50:
let conf = sConfig "/home/gvg" dz
let conf = sConfig "/home/gvg" dz
let sKeys = keysWithPath "/home/gvg" conf
let sKeys = keysWithPath "/home/gvg" conf
xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $
xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $
conf {startupHook = return () >> checkKeymap conf sKeys}
conf {startupHook = return () >> checkKeymap conf sKeys}
Line 91: Line 90:
, ("M-h", sendMessage $ Go L)
, ("M-h", sendMessage $ Go L)
, ("M-l", sendMessage $ Go R)
, ("M-l", sendMessage $ Go R)
, ("M-S-k", sendMessage $ Swap U) -- shift shifts windows
, ("M-S-k", sendMessage $ Swap U) -- shift shifts windows
, ("M-S-j", sendMessage $ Swap D)
, ("M-S-j", sendMessage $ Swap D)
Line 163: Line 161:
-- toolbox to top separator or bar of toolbox to add and re-arrange.
-- toolbox to top separator or bar of toolbox to add and re-arrange.
-------- !! SPLIT HERE !! -------------------
-- (theming, font, colors) ------------------
-- (theming, font, colors) ------------------
-- from cross-host conf, better to just use 'color' where needed, but I'm too
-- from cross-host conf, better to just use 'color' where needed, but I'm too
-- lazy to edit this file for colors.
-- lazy to edit this whole file for colors.
data Colorset = Colorset
data Colorset = Colorset
{ ltCol :: String , dkCol :: String
{ ltCol :: String
, currentCol :: String , hlightCol :: String
, dkCol :: String
, currentCol :: String
, hlightCol :: String
, visibleCol :: String
, visibleCol :: String
, hiddenCol :: String , fadedCol :: String
, hiddenCol :: String
, urgentCol :: String , urgentCol' :: String
, fadedCol :: String
} deriving (Show)
, urgentCol :: String
dkCols = Colorset
dkCols = Colorset
{ ltCol = "cornsilk3"
, dkCol = "black"
, currentCol = "#bca"
, hlightCol = "#4d5"
, visibleCol = "#ab9"
, hiddenCol = "#786"
, fadedCol = "#554"
, urgentCol = "#d54"
, urgentCol' = "#54d"
ltCols = dkCols
{ ltCol = "#d7e19f"
{ ltCol = "#d7e19f"
, dkCol = "#230"
, dkCol = "#230"
Line 197: Line 187:
, fadedCol = "#ab9"
, fadedCol = "#ab9"
, urgentCol = "#e30"
, urgentCol = "#e30"
, urgentCol' = "#30e"
Line 229: Line 218:
++ " -w " ++ show width
++ " -w " ++ show width
++ " -h " ++ (show $ height xpc)
++ " -h " ++ (show $ height xpc)
++ " -fn " ++ "'" ++ font xpc ++ "'"
++ " -fn '" ++ (font xpc) ++ "'"
++ " -bg " ++ "'" ++ bgColor xpc ++ "'"
++ " -bg '" ++ (bgColor xpc) ++ "'"
++ " -fg " ++ "'" ++ fgColor xpc ++ "'"
++ " -fg '" ++ (fgColor xpc) ++ "'"
++ " -ta l"
++ " -ta l"
-- normal dzen config --
-- normal dzen config --
Line 239: Line 228:
width = sx + sw - sw * 7 `div` 64 - xpos -- and c`div`d to right
width = sx + sw - sw * 7 `div` 64 - xpos -- and c`div`d to right
-- (space for .xinіtrc bar and tray)
-- (space for .xinіtrc bar and tray)
stripDzen :: String -> String -- strip dzen formatting to undo ppHidden
stripDzen :: String -> String -- strip dzen formatting to undo ppHidden
Line 246: Line 234:
aux x acc = (\(good,bad) -> aux (dropDzen bad) (acc++good)) $ span (/= '^') x
aux x acc = (\(good,bad) -> aux (dropDzen bad) (acc++good)) $ span (/= '^') x
where dropDzen b = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= ')') b
where dropDzen b = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= ')') b
-- dropDzen doesn't properly handle ^^ or non-dzen ')' in text
-- dropDzen doesn't properly handle "^^" or non-dzen ')' in text
xpm :: String -> String -> String
xpm :: String -> String -> String
Line 262: Line 250:
, ppOrder = \(ws:_:_:xs) -> [" "] ++ [ws] ++ xs
, ppOrder = \(ws:_:_:xs) -> [" "] ++ [ws] ++ xs
, ppOutput = hPutStrLn dzIn
, ppOutput = hPutStrLn dzIn
where kernedsp = "^p(+12)"
where kernedsp = "^p(+12)"
dzfg c = dzenColor (c dkCols) "" -- (Colorset -> String) -> String -> String
dzfg c = dzenColor (c dkCols) "" -- (Colorset -> String) -> String -> String

Revision as of 07:04, 2 November 2008

Apparently this file is too big to copy all at once without errors, so copy paste in two sections, see -- SPLIT HERE -- comment

------ may not want scaling dzen bar -------------
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xinerama
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
------ normal imports                           --
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
------                                          --
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ratio ((%)) -- for Layout.IM
------                                          --
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers(doCenterFloat)
import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
------                                          --
import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS
import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo
import XMonad.Actions.Warp
------                                          --
import XMonad.Layout.IM
import XMonad.Layout.Reflect
import XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace
import XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile
import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders
import qualified XMonad.Layout.ToggleLayouts as TL
------                                          --
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Shell
import XMonad.Prompt.RunOrRaise
------                                          --
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Util.Scratchpad
import XMonad.Util.EZConfig

-- "Make it so, Mr. X!" --------------------

main = do
    scrxpw <- getXPositionAndWidthOfScreen 0 -- dzen screen number
    let dzencmd = uncurry dzenWithParamsFrom (fromMaybe (0, 1024) scrxpw) darkXPC
    dz <- spawnPipe dzencmd

    -- uncomment to show dzen params while setting up other bars in .xinitrc
    -- spawn $ "xmessage " ++ "'" ++ dzencmd ++ "'"

    let conf  = sConfig "/home/gvg" dz
    let sKeys = keysWithPath "/home/gvg" conf
    xmonad $ withUrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook $
      conf {startupHook = return () >> checkKeymap conf sKeys}
      `additionalKeysP` sKeys

    -- using this XConfig

sConfig hm dzh = defaultConfig
    { workspaces         = sWorkspaces
    , manageHook         = sManageHook
    , layoutHook         = sLayout
    , logHook            = dynamicLogWithPP $ dzdarkPP hm dzh
    , borderWidth        = 1
    , focusedBorderColor = hlightCol dkCols  -- ltCol dkCols
    , normalBorderColor  = dkCol dkCols
    , focusFollowsMouse  = True
    , modMask            = mod4Mask
    , terminal           = "urxvtc"

-- (frequently edited bits nearer the top) -------

keysWithPath hm cfg =

    [ ("M-<F1>",  shellPrompt darkXPC)
    , ("M-<F2>",  runOrRaisePrompt darkXPC)
    , ("M-<F3>",  scratchpadSpawnAction cfg)
    , ("M-<F12>", spawn "xscreensaver-command -lock")

    , ("M-x f", runOrRaise "firefox" (className =? "Firefox"))
    , ("M-x o", runOrRaise "opera" (className =? "Opera"))
    , ("M-x r", runOrRaise (hm ++ "/bin/shfmRun") (title =? "shellfm"))
    , ("M-x h", runOrRaise "hback" (className =? "Hback"))
    , ("M-x g", spawn "gimp")
    ++ -- vi directional window navigation similar to XMonad defaults
    [ ("M-k", sendMessage $ Go U)
    , ("M-j", sendMessage $ Go D)
    , ("M-h", sendMessage $ Go L)
    , ("M-l", sendMessage $ Go R)
    , ("M-S-k", sendMessage $ Swap U)     -- shift shifts windows
    , ("M-S-j", sendMessage $ Swap D)
    , ("M-S-h", sendMessage $ Swap L)
    , ("M-S-l", sendMessage $ Swap R)
    , ("M-C-k", sendMessage MirrorExpand) -- ctrl controls size
    , ("M-C-j", sendMessage MirrorShrink)
    , ("M-C-h", sendMessage Shrink)
    , ("M-C-l", sendMessage Expand)
    ++ -- mod-<key> and mod-shift-<key> are as default (plus 0 and = too)
       -- mod-ctrl-<key> shifts focused window *and* view to <key>'s ws
    [ (addtlmods ++ "M-" ++ [key], action tag)
    |   (tag, key)  <- zip sWorkspaces "1234567890="
      , (addtlmods, action) <- [ ("", windows . W.greedyView)
                               , ("S-", windows . W.shift)
                               , ("C-", \x -> (windows . W.shift) x >> (windows . W.view) x)]
    ++ --  mod + m + {left arrow or 'a' key} does action with ws to "left"
    [ (m ++ "M-" ++ key, action) | key <- ["<L>","a"]
      , (m, action) <- [ ("", prevWS), ("S-", shiftToPrev), ("C-", shiftToPrev >> prevWS)]
    ++ -- mod + m + {right arrow or 'd' key} does action with ws to "right"
    [ (m ++ "M-" ++ key, action) | key  <- ["<R>","d"]
      , (m, action) <- [ ("", nextWS), ("S-", shiftToNext), ("C-", shiftToNext >> nextWS)]
    [ ("M-<Space>", sendMessage TL.ToggleLayout ) -- noBorders Full
    , ("M-b", sendMessage ToggleStruts)
    , ("M-C-b", warpToScreen 0 (1/2) 0) -- open XM dzen slave; exit mouse manually to collapse :(
    , ("M-S-b", warpToScreen 0 0 0)  -- open sys dzen slave; exit mouse manually to collapse :(
    , ("M-m", warpToWindow 1 1) -- banish mouse to lower right of focused window

sWorkspaces = ["'%", "%", "%'"] ++ ["'*", "*", "*'"] ++ ["c", "m", "#"] ++ ["@", "SP"]

sManageHook = composeAll
    [ doF avoidMaster
    , scratchpadManageHookDefault

    , title =? "shellfm"        --> doShift "'*"
    , className =? "Gimp"       --> doShift "*" -- don't float, IM layout
    , className =? "MPlayer"    --> doShift "*'"

    , title =? ""               --> doFloat     -- SOE graphics
    , title =? "shellfm"        --> doFloat
    , className =? "Hback"      --> doCenterFloat
    , className =? "MPlayer"    --> doFloat
    , className =? "XFontSel"   --> doCenterFloat
    , className =? "Xmessage"   --> doCenterFloat
  where avoidMaster :: W.StackSet i l a s sd -> W.StackSet i l a s sd
        avoidMaster = W.modify' $ \c -> case c of
            W.Stack t [] (r:rs) -> W.Stack t [r] rs
            otherwise           -> c

sLayout  =
    avoidStruts $ configurableNavigation (noNavigateBorders) $
    TL.toggleLayouts (noBorders Full) $
    modWorkspace "*" reflectHoriz $ withIM (11%64) (Role "gimp-toolbox") $ -- see [gimp]
    ResizableTall 2         -- default number of masters
                  (1/118)   -- resize increment
                  (11/20)   -- horizontal ratio: mstr/(mstr+slv)?
                  [5/4 -- master column ~ top/bottom?
                  ,5/4 -- no effect w/ 2 masters
                  ,5/4 -- slave  column ~ top/bottom
                  ]    -- then defaults to (repeat 1)

    -- [gimp] -- Combining gimp-toolbox and gimp-dock into one works
    -- well in IM layout roster column. Drag panes from gimp-dock or
    -- toolbox to top separator or bar of toolbox to add and re-arrange.

-------- !! SPLIT HERE !! -------------------

-- (theming, font, colors) ------------------
-- from cross-host conf, better to just use 'color' where needed, but I'm too
-- lazy to edit this whole file for colors.

data Colorset = Colorset
    { ltCol       :: String
    , dkCol       :: String
    , currentCol  :: String
    , hlightCol   :: String
    , visibleCol  :: String
    , hiddenCol   :: String
    , fadedCol    :: String
    , urgentCol   :: String

dkCols = Colorset
    { ltCol       = "#d7e19f"
    , dkCol       = "#230"
    , currentCol  = "black"
    , hlightCol   = "#0e3"
    , visibleCol  = "#443"
    , hiddenCol   = "#564"
    , fadedCol    = "#ab9"
    , urgentCol   = "#e30"

darkXPC = defaultXPConfig
    { font = "-*-dejavu sans mono-medium-r-*-*-17-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
    , height   = 22
    , bgColor  = dkCol dkCols
    , fgColor  = ltCol dkCols
    , bgHLight = ltCol dkCols
    , fgHLight = dkCol dkCols
    , promptBorderWidth = 0

-- (dzen) ----------------------------------

getXPositionAndWidthOfScreen :: Int -> IO (Maybe (Int, Int))
getXPositionAndWidthOfScreen n = do
    d        <- openDisplay ""
    screens  <- getScreenInfo d
    let rn = screens!!(min (abs n) (length screens - 1))
    case screens of
        []        -> return Nothing
        [r]       -> return $ Just (fromIntegral $ rect_x r , fromIntegral $ rect_width r)
        otherwise -> return $ Just (fromIntegral $ rect_x rn, fromIntegral $ rect_width rn)

-- adjust dzen position & width to screen; use XPConfig theming
dzenWithParamsFrom :: Int -> Int -> XPConfig -> String
dzenWithParamsFrom sx sw xpc =
    "dzen2 -x "  ++ show xpos
      ++ " -w "  ++ show width
      ++ " -h "  ++ (show $ height xpc)
      ++ " -fn '" ++ (font    xpc) ++ "'"
      ++ " -bg '" ++ (bgColor xpc) ++ "'"
      ++ " -fg '" ++ (fgColor xpc) ++ "'"
      ++ " -ta l"
      -- normal dzen config --
      ++ " -e 'onstart=lower'"

  where xpos  = sx +      sw * 11 `div` 32        -- a`div`b screenwidth empty to left
        width = sx + sw - sw * 7  `div` 64 - xpos -- and c`div`d to right
                                                  -- (space for .xinіtrc bar and tray)

stripDzen :: String -> String -- strip dzen formatting to undo ppHidden
stripDzen s = aux s []
  where aux [] acc = acc
        aux x  acc = (\(good,bad) -> aux (dropDzen bad) (acc++good)) $ span (/= '^') x
            where dropDzen b = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= ')') b
            -- dropDzen doesn't properly handle "^^" or non-dzen ')' in text

xpm :: String -> String -> String
xpm path = wrap ("^i(" ++ path ++ "/.dzen/icons/") ".xpm)"

dzdarkPP  hm dzIn = defaultPP
    { ppCurrent         = wrap (dzfg hlightCol  "^p(;+7)^r(5x5)^p(+2;-7)") ""  . dzfg currentCol
    , ppVisible         = dzfg visibleCol . ("^p(;+7)^ro(5x5)^p(+2;-7)" ++)
    , ppHidden          = dzfg hiddenCol
    , ppHiddenNoWindows = dzfg fadedCol
    , ppUrgent          = dzfg urgentCol . (\s -> stripDzen s)
    , ppWsSep           = kernedsp
    , ppSep             = ""
    , ppExtras          = [xmonicon]
    , ppOrder           = \(ws:_:_:xs) ->  ["    "] ++ [ws] ++ xs
    , ppOutput          = hPutStrLn dzIn
  where kernedsp = "^p(+12)"
        dzfg c   = dzenColor (c dkCols) "" -- (Colorset -> String) -> String -> String
        xmonicon = io $ return . Just $
            kernedsp ++ "^p(;4)" ++ xpm hm "xmonad16" ++ "^p(;-4)" ++ kernedsp

    -- for layouts and titles use something like ppOrder = \(ws:l:t:xs) ->  [l,ws,t] ++ xs