99 questions/1 to 10
This is part of Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems, based on Ninety-Nine Prolog Problems and Ninety-Nine Lisp Problems.
Problem 1
(Note that the Lisp transcription of this problem is incorrect.)
Example in Haskell:
λ> myLast [1,2,3,4]
λ> myLast ['x','y','z']
Problem 2
(Note that the Lisp transcription of this problem is incorrect.)
Example in Haskell:
λ> myButLast [1,2,3,4]
λ> myButLast ['a'..'z']
Problem 3
The first element in the list is number 1. Example:
* (element-at '(a b c d e) 3) c
Example in Haskell:
λ> elementAt [1,2,3] 2
λ> elementAt "haskell" 5
Problem 4
Example in Haskell:
λ> myLength [123, 456, 789]
λ> myLength "Hello, world!"
Problem 5
Example in Haskell:
λ> myReverse "A man, a plan, a canal, panama!"
"!amanap ,lanac a ,nalp a ,nam A"
λ> myReverse [1,2,3,4]
Problem 6
Hint: A palindrome can be read forward or backward; e.g. (x a m a x).
Example in Haskell:
λ> isPalindrome [1,2,3]
λ> isPalindrome "madamimadam"
λ> isPalindrome [1,2,4,8,16,8,4,2,1]
Problem 7
Transform a list, possibly holding lists as elements into a `flat' list by replacing each list with its elements (recursively).
* (my-flatten '(a (b (c d) e))) (A B C D E)
Example in Haskell:
We have to define a new data type, because lists in Haskell are homogeneous.
data NestedList a = Elem a | List [NestedList a]
λ> flatten (Elem 5)
λ> flatten (List [Elem 1, List [Elem 2, List [Elem 3, Elem 4], Elem 5]])
λ> flatten (List [])
Problem 8
If a list contains repeated elements they should be replaced with a single copy of the element. The order of the elements should not be changed.
* (compress '(a a a a b c c a a d e e e e)) (A B C A D E)
Example in Haskell:
λ> compress "aaaabccaadeeee"
Problem 9
If a list contains repeated elements they should be placed in separate sublists.
* (pack '(a a a a b c c a a d e e e e)) ((A A A A) (B) (C C) (A A) (D) (E E E E))
Example in Haskell:
λ> pack ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'a',
'a', 'd', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e']
Problem 10
Use the result of Problem 9 to implement the so-called run-length encoding data compression method. Consecutive duplicates of elements are encoded as lists (N E) where N is the number of duplicates of the element E.
* (encode '(a a a a b c c a a d e e e e)) ((4 A) (1 B) (2 C) (2 A) (1 D)(4 E))
Example in Haskell:
λ> encode "aaaabccaadeeee"