AmeroHaskell, a Haskell get together for/in the SouthEastern USA. Now a Haskell get together(s) anywhere in the USA with at least one in Portland, OR.
Likely Attendees
- Taral - Seattle, WA, will travel.
- DonStewart, in OR, but would travel for haskell
- TimChevalier - Portland, OR. Might be willing to travel, depending on where and when.
- CliffordBeshers - San Diego, CA, but would consider travelling.
- JohnMeacham - Pasadena, CA. might be able to travel depending on when. (would prefer somewhere on west coast)
- GregFitzgerald - San Diego, CA
- BryanOSullivan - San Francisco, CA, will travel.
- Derek Elkins, in TX, would travel some, probably would only stay for a day or two.
- Travis B. Hartwell aka Nafai Willing to travel some, probably can't take any time off of work but most weekends are good except Nov. 2-4 and 16-18.
- JustinBailey - Can't really travel, but in Portland, OR.
- JohnDorsey - In Houston, TX. Slight chance of travel elsewhere.
- MikeVanier - Pasadena, CA. Could travel depending on the date, prefer west coast.
- GregHeartsfield - Dallas, TX. will travel (tentatively).
- Rahul Kapoor - Providence, RI, will travel for Haskell.
- AdamPeacock - NYC, will travel.
- Brent Yorgey (byorgey) - Washington, DC.
- Bjorn Buckwalter - Washington, DC. Unlikely to travel.
- Betty - Raleigh, NC
- Dino Morelli - Raleigh, North Carolina. Will travel some, can stay somewhere overnight(s). Week of Oct 13-20 is not doable.
- Peter Gavin - Tallahassee, FL, willing to drive a few hours; weekends are best
- Bernard Putersznit - Ocala, FL, willing to drive a few hours; any day of the week. Available from November onward.
- ShaeErisson - located in Boston, MA - pretty much any date is good for me.
- Garrett Mitchener - Charleston, SC, probably can't come if I have to fly
Possible locations
- Portland, OR
- Credit Suisse, NY
Potential Presenters
- Derek Elkins - I can provide a talk for categorical ideas that are directly applicable in Haskell (e.g. free monads, initial algebras, etc.) and/or something on using types to enforce invariants without going too crazy (e.g. wrapper types, phantom types, type class traits, reasonable examples of type level programming)
- TimChevalier - if you're really hard up for speakers, I could scrape something up.
- For a Portland meeting, probably in a January/February time-frame
- Maybe during SIGCSE in Portland March 12-15