Arch Linux/Applications
Haskell Applications available in Arch Linux: March 2009
Major applications:
- xmonad
- pandoc
- darcs
- ghc
- hugs
- nhc98
New applications in AUR:
Development Tools
- graphmod 1.1.3-1 0 Present the module dependecies of a program as a \"dot\" graph.
- darcs-graph 1.0-1 2 Generate graphs of darcs repository activity
- c2hs 0.16.0-1 8 C->Haskell FFI tool that gives some cross-language type safety
- mkcabal 0.4.2-1 10 Generate cabal files for a Haskell project
- hscolour 1.12-1 12 Colourise Haskell code.
- ghc-core 0.4.3-1 5 Display GHC's core and assembly output in a pager
- cabal2arch 0.5.1-1 19 Create Arch Linux packages from Cabal packages
- clevercss 0.1.1-1 2 A CSS preprocessor
- strictify 0.1-1 0 Find a local optimum of strictness annotations.
- cpphs 1.6-1 14 A liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor.
- happraise 0.1-1 1 A small program for counting the comments in haskell source
- change-monger 0.0-10 Parse VCS changelogs into !ChangeLogs
- cabal-rpm 0.5.1-1 0 RPM package builder for Haskell Cabal source packages.
- drift 2.2.3-1 2 Program to derive type class instances
- hburg 1.1.2-1 0 Haskell Bottom Up Rewrite Generator
- helisp 0.1-1 0 An incomplete Elisp compiler
- hoogle 4 Haskell API Search
- prof2dot 0.4.1-1 0 Convert GHC profiles into !GraphViz's dot format
- distract 0.2.5-1 0 Distributed Bug Tracking System
- uuagc 0.9.7-1 0 Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht
- lambdashell 0.9.1-1 0 Simple shell for evaluating lambda expressions
- quickcheck-script 0.1.1-1 1 Automated test tool for !QuickCheck.
- typalyze 0.1.1-1 0 Analyzes Haskell source files for easy reference
- typeilluminator 0.0-1 0 !TypeIlluminator is a prototype tool exploring debugging of type errors/
- djinn 2009.2.8-1 1 Generate Haskell code from a type
- guihaskell 0.1.1-1 2 A graphical REPL and opment environment for Haskell
- mkbndl 0.2.1-1 0 Makes an OS X .app bundle from a binary.
- pugs 3 A Perl 6 Implementation
- darcs 2.2.1-1 5 a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system
- geniconvert 0.15-1 0 Conversion utility for the GenI generator
- greencard 0 A foreign function interface pre-processor for Haskell
- hstidy 0.2-1 0 Takes haskell source on stdin, parses it, then\nprettyprints it to stdout.
- arrowp 1 preprocessor translating arrow notation into Haskell 98
- uhexdump 0.2-1 0 hex dumper for UTF-8 text
- kbq-gu 0.2-1 0 Rpoku spoken word programming language
- pxsl-tools 1.0.1-1 0 Parsimonious XML Shorthand Language--to-XML compiler
- cpbrainfuck 1.1-1 2 A simple Brainfuck interpretter.
- darcs-monitor 0.3.6-1 0 Darcs repository monitor (sends email)
- ixdopp 0.1-1 0 A preprocessor for expanding \"ixdo\" notation for indexed monads
- cap 1.0.1-1 0 Interprets and debug the cap language.
- hprotoc 1.4.0-1 0 Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications
- sourcegraph 0.3-1 0 Use graph-theory to analyse your code
- cheatsheet 1.6-1 1 A Haskell cheat sheet in PDF and literate formats.
- derive 0.1.4-1 11 A program and library to derive instances for data types
- hackage-sparks 0.3-1 0 Generate sparkline graphs of hackage statistics
- ftshell 0.3-1 0 Shell interface to the !FreeTheorems library.
- ehaskell 0.7-1 1 like eruby, ehaskell is embedded haskell.
- lhc 0.6.20090126-1 1 LHC Haskell Compiler
- plsltools 0.0.2-1 0 So far just a lint like program for PL/SQL. Diff and refactoring tools are planned
- timberc 1.0.2-1 0 The Timber Compiler.
- nehe-tuts 0.1.1-1 0 Port of the !NeHe OpenGL tutorials to Haskell.
- lambdacube 2008.12.25-1 0 A simple lambda cube type checker.
- cabal2doap 0.1-1 0 Cabal to Description-of-a-Project (DOAP)
- jarfind 0 Tool for searching java classes, members and fields in classfiles and JAR archives
- hlint 1.2-1 5 Source code suggestions
- ghci-haskeline 0.1-1 0 An implementation of ghci using the Haskeline line-input library.
- beautifhol 0.10-1 0 A pretty-printer for higher-order logic
- piet 0.1-1 1 A Piet interpreter
- darcswatch 0.2-1 0 Track application of Darcs patches
- multiplicity 0.1.0-1 0 Wrapper program for duplicity, adding config files
- doctest 0.0.0-1 0 Test interactive Haskell examples
- vintage-basic 1.0.1-1 0 Interpreter for microcomputer-era BASIC
- helium 1.6-2 0 Helium is a functional programming language and a compiler designed especially for learning Haskell
- haddock 2.4.1-1 28 A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries
- htags 1.0.1-1 0 A Haskell98 parsing tags program similar to ctags.
- baskell 0.1.1-1 0 An interpreter for a small functional language
- yi 0.6.0-1 14 The Haskell-Scriptable Editor
- leksah 2 Haskell IDE written in Haskell
- roguestar-engine 0.2.2-1 2 Sci-fi roguelike (turn-based, chessboard-tiled, role playing) game
- hinvaders 0.1-1 1 Space Invaders
- hetris 0.2-1 1 Text Tetris
- spaceinvaders 0.4.1-1 0 Video game
- hback 0.0.3-1 1 N-back memory game
- lambdahack 0.1.20080413-1 0 a small roguelike game
- zmachine 0.0-1 0 A Z-machine interpreter
- monadius 0.93-1 2 2-D arcade scroller
- mage 1.1.0-1 0 Rogue-like
- shu-thing 1.1.1-1 0 A vector shooter game
- frag 1.1.1-1 2 A 3-D First Person Shooter Game
- mines 0.1-1 0 Minesweeper simulation using neural networks
- foo 1.0-1 1 Paper soccer, an OpenGL game.
- roguestar-gl 0.2.2-1 1 Sci-fi roguelike (turn-based, chessboard-tiled, role playing) game
- topkata 0.2.3-1 0 OpenGL Arcade Game
- hpylos 1.0-1 0 AI of Pylos game with GLUT interface.
- tetris 0.27178-1 0 A 2-D clone of Tetris
- armada 0.1-1 2 Space-based real time strategy game
- omnicodec 0.2-1 1 data encoding and decoding command line utilities
- hipmunkplayground 0.2-1 3 A playground for testing Hipmunk.
- hevolisa-dph 0.0.1-1 0 Genetic Mona Lisa problem in Haskell - using Data Parallel Haskell
- hmp3 5 An ncurses mp3 front-end for mpg123 written in Haskell
- photoname 2.0-1 0 Rename JPEG photo files based on shoot date
- flow2dot 0.3-1 0 Generates sequence diagrams from textual descriptions
- hray 1.1.1-1 0 Haskell raytracer
- datapacker 1.0.1-1 1 Tool to help pack files into the minimum number of CDs/DVDs/etc
- yampasynth 0.0.1-1 2 Software synthesizer
- scaleimage 0.1-1 1 Scale an image to a new geometry
- glome-hs 0.51-1 0 ray tracer
- wavconvert 0.1.1-1 0 Command-line tool for converting audio files and filling in ID3 tags
- hmpf 0.1-1 1 An MPD client designed for a Home Theatre PC
- hpodder 1.1.5-1 1 Podcast Aggregator (downloader)
- hbeat 0.1.2-1 0 A simple step sequencer GUI.
- supercollider-midi 0.1.1-1 0 Demonstrate how to control !SuperCollider via ALSA-MIDI
- mp3decoder 0.0.1-1 0 MP3 decoder for teaching.
- turing-music 0.1.1-1 0 Plays music generated by Turing machines with 5 states and 2 symbols
- augur 2008.11.17-1 0 Renaming media collections in a breeze.
- internetmarke 0.0.2-1 0 Shell command for constructing custom stamps for German Post
- hevolisa 0.0.1-1 0 Genetic Mona Lisa problem in Haskell
- autoproc 0.1-1 0 EDSL for Procmail scripts
- urlcheck 0.1.1-1 1 Parallel link checker
- linkchk 0.0.2-1 1 linkchk is a network interface link ping monitor.
- mohws 0.1-1 0 Modular Haskell Web Server
- feed-cli 2008.5.3-1 3 A simple command line interface for creating and updating feeds like RSS
- twitter 0.1.1-1 6 A Haskell-based CLI Twitter client
- rss2irc 0.2-1 1 Subscribe to an RSS feed and write it to an IRC channel
- flippi 0.0.5-1 0 Wiki
- sphinx-cli 0.1-1 0 Sphinx CLI and demo of Haskell Sphinx library
- ircbouncer 0.1-1 0 IRC bouncer
- twidge 0.99.3-1 12 Unix Command-Line Twitter and Identica Client
- happs-tutorial 0.8-1 0 A Happstack Tutorial that is its own web 2.0-type demo.
- gitit 0.5.3-1 2 Wiki using HAppS, git or darcs, and pandoc.
- orchid-demo 0.0.5-1 0 Haskell Wiki Demo
- scurry 0.0.3-1 0 A cross platform P2P VPN application built using Haskell.
- conjure 0.1-1 2 A !BitTorrent client
- riot 1.20080618-1 3 Riot is an Information Organisation Tool
- pdf2line 0.0.1-1 6 Simple command-line utility to convert PDF into text
- line2pdf 0.0.7-1 4 Simple command-line utility to convert text into PDF
- testpattern 0.1-1 2 Display a monitor test pattern
- hledger 0.1-1 1 A ledger-compatible text-based accounting tool.
- sat-micro-hs 0.1.1-2 0 A minimal SAT solver
- pesca 4.0.1-1 2 Proof Editor for Sequent Calculus
- simseq 0.0-1 0 Simulate sequencing with different models for priming and errors
- xml2x 0.4-1 0 Convert BLAST output in XML format to CSV or HTML
- emping 0.5.1-1 0 derives heuristic rules from nominal data
- estreps 0.3-1 0 Repeats from ESTs
- hybrid 2.0-1 0 A implementation of a type-checker for Lambda-H
- nymphaea 0.2-1 0 An interactive GUI for manipulating L-systems
- sat 1.1.1-1 0 CNF SATisfier
- clustertools 0.1.2-1 0 Tools for manipulating sequence clusters
- dephd 0.1.1-1 0 Analyze 'phred' output (.phd files)
- flower 0.1-1 0 Analyze 454 flowgrams (.SFF files)
- korfu 0.1-1 0 The Korfu ORF Utility
- husky 0.3-1 1 A simple command line calculator.
- ngrams 1.1-1 0 Simple application for calculating n-grams using Google.
- yeganesh 2.1-1 7 small dmenu wrapper
- hichi 0.0.1-1 0 haskell robot for IChat protocol
- only 1 A grep-like tool for filtering on words or lines.
- hashell 0.15-1 0 Simple shell written in Haskell
- hsclock 1.0-1 2 An elegant analog clock using Haskell, GTK and Cairo
- mpdmate 0.1-1 1 MPD/!PowerMate executable
- timepiece 0.0.2-1 1 A simple tile-based digital clock screen saver
- mdo 0.0.1-1 0 Command-line tool to run a command on each of the items.
- gameclock 1.0.4-1 1 Game clock that shows two analog clock faces
- ztail 1.0-1 2 Multi-file, colored, filtered log tailer.
- openafp-utils 1.3-1 0 Assorted utilities to work with AFP data streams
- equal-files 0.0.2-1 0 Shell command for finding equal files
- threadpool 0.1-1 0 Runs other programs in the manner of a thread pool
- pony 1.0-1 0 Can I have a pony?
- htar 0.3-1 0 Command-line tar archive utility.
- make-hard-links 0.2-1 0 Change duplicated files into hard-links.
- backdropper 1.1-1 0 Rotates backdrops for X11 displays using qiv.
- printxosd 0.1-1 0 Simple tool to display some text on an on-screen display