On page 8 of The Next 700 Programming Languages, Peter Landin introduces the word denotative
as the direct opposite of the term imperative
. To be considered denotative, Landin stipulates the following conditions for the expressions of a programming language:
(a) each expression has a nesting subexpression structure,
(b) each subexpression denotes something (usually a number, truth value or numerical function),
(c) the thing an expression denotes, i.e., its "value", depends only on the values of its subexpressions, not on other properties of them.
A programming language is trivially denotative if it only permits programs to be defined in terms of denotative expressions.
Being privately imperative
In 1994 researchers discovered a way to denotatively accommodate the imperative style by excluding the use of externally visible side-effects. For example:
type Graph = Array Vertex [Vertex] data Tree a = Node a [Tree a] dfs :: Graph -> [Vertex] -> [Tree Vertex] dfs g vs = runST ( newSTArray (bounds g) False >>= \ marks -> search marks vs ) where search :: STArray s Vertex Bool -> [Vertex] -> ST s [Tree Vertex] search marks [] = return [] search marks (v:vs) = readSTArray marks v >>= \ visited -> if visited then search marks vs else writeSTArray marks v True >> search marks (g!v) >>= \ ts -> search marks vs >>= \ us -> return ((Node v ts): us)
- from Figure 2 (page 17 of 51) of State in Haskell
Even though dfs
's local definition:
search :: STArray s Vertex Bool -> [Vertex] -> ST s [Tree Vertex]
uses mutability and sequencing, the use of runST
keeps those imperative details confined to dfs
, hence its denotative type:
dfs :: Graph -> [Vertex] -> [Tree Vertex]
Therefore to be denotative, a programming language only needs to avoid using side effects which are externally visible: namely those of I/O.
Practical considerations
But most users want to interact with their programs, including those written in denotative languages! That requires I/O to be managed by the denotative language's implementation, with parts of it written in a non-denotative (I/O-capable) programming language.
This need for a non-denotative language though presents a dilemma:
- if it's too different from the denotative language, it's likely that users will request or attempt to add an I/O mechanism to the denotative language (to avoid having to extend the implementation);
- if it's quite similar to the denotative language, users could do all their programming in it and simply ignore the denotative language (as writing a program in multiple languages is often tedious).
It remains to be seen whether these two opposing requirements can be reconciled.