Ghent Functional Programming Group

The "Functional Programming Group Ghent" (GhentFPG) is a friendly group for all people interested in functional programming, with a slight focus on Haskell. We usually organize a meeting every two months. If you're located near Ghent, Belgium, be sure to check us out!
Next meeting
There is no future meeting pinned at this point. We will update this page and send out mail to the appropriate mailing lists when we have some idea. In any case, there will be no meeting during the UGent exam period (end of May to start of July).
Note that future meetings will also take place at the S9 building, on the 'De Sterre' Ghent University campus. The address is Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Ghent. We convene in the S9 building.
Stay informed
- For up-to-date information, join our google group (this is like a mailing list)
- Or follow us on Twitter
- And we can also be reached on IRC using the #ghentfpg channel on freenode.
Previous meetings
May 8 2012 Meeting
There were two interesting talks given during the 12th GhentFPG meeting.
- Tom Schrijvers discussed solutions to the Flemish Programming Contest that took place at April 18, 2012. He showed (pdf) how to nicely use the non-deterministic feature of the List monad and how one can deal with strings swiftly by using trie data structures.
- Jasper Van der Jeugt gave a tutorial on parallelisation in Haskell.
Slides will be put up later.
March 20 2012 Meeting
We had two speakers for the 11th GhentFPG meeting.
- Jasper Van der Jeugt: digestive-functors 0.3
- Jeroen Janssen: the typeclassopedia
We relocated our meeting point to the Ghent University S9 building at 'De Sterre', Krijgslaan 281, Gent.
December 15 2011 Meeting
Problem solving: on this meeting we tried to solve a number of interesting problems in a functional language.
October 4 2011 Meeting
The ninth GhentFPG meeting featured 4 talks. We had one keynote talk and three lightning talks.
- Jurriën Stutterheim - Snaplets: composable and reusable web components. Media:Snaplets-9thGhentFPG.pdf
- Andy Georges - hCole-server. Slides.
- Kenneth Hoste - GA: A genetic algorithm library.
- Jasper Van der Jeugt - WebSockets.
The original announcement can be found here
June 30 2011 Meeting
On the eight GhentFPG Meeting we had one talk. The second talk was cancelled due to the speaker being ill.
- Jasper Van der Jeugt - Techniques and patterns in the Text Library
- Problem solving activity - We tried our brains on the problem D from the 2010 ACM World Finals Programming Contest
Slides will be posted ASAP.
April 26 2011 Meeting
On the seventh GhentFPG Meeting, we had three talks.
- Tom van Cutsem - MapReduce in Erlang
- Tom Schrijvers - How you could have won the VPW 2011 contest with Haskell
- Pieter Audenaert - Functional Geometry and a Graphical Language
Slides etc. can be found in this thread [1].
February 17 2011 Meeting
We had our sixth Ghent FPG Meeting (a problem solving evening) on Thursday, February 17, 2011. More information in this thread.
November 5 2010 Hackathon
We organized BelHac, the first Belgian Haskell Hackathon on November 5 to November 7, 2010. More information can be found on this page.
Hackathon Meeting (Nov. 5 2010)
The fifth meeting was held during the Haskell Hackathon. The theme of the meeting was "Functional Programming in Industry". We had three talks by people who use Functional Programming in their respective companies:
- Duncan Coutts (Well-Typed) - Who talked about Well-Typed and how they make a living writing Haskell code.
- Romain Slootmaekers (Incubaid) - Who talked about how hard it is to get new ideas incorporated into existing companies.
- Don Stewart (Galois) - Who talked about how Galois is succesfully using Haskell for their projects.
October 7 2010 Meeting
Our fourth meeting will be held on October 7, 2010, from 19:00 onward. Same location as the previous meetings: Ghent University Technicum, St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, Left Entrance. The program is as follows:
- Stijn Timbermont - Mapping Interpreters onto Runtime Support
- Tom Schrijvers - Dictionaries: Eager or Lazy Type Class Witnesses?
- Dominique Devriese - Grammar Combinators - A new model for shallow parser DSL's
Abstracts of the talks can be found in this google groups message.
June 29 2010 Meeting
Our third meeting will be on June 29, 2010. This is again in the 'Technicum' building of Ghent University, left entrance. The program will be as follows:
- Pierre Carbonnelle - Declarative programming for Business Logic - a new Open-source project
- Tom Schrijvers - Monadic Constraint Programming
- Wouter Kampmann, Lieven Lemiengre - Lightning Talk on Scala
Abstracts of the talks can be found in this google groups message.
May 13 2010 Meeting
Our second meeting was on May 13, 2010 in the 'Technicum' building of Ghent University, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, starting at 19:00. The program was as follows:
- Atze Dijkstra: The Utrecht Haskell Compiler
- Jean-Christophe Mincke: An Introduction To Monads
- Drinks at a local bar
April 1 2010 Meeting (First Meeting)
Our first meeting was on April 1, 2010. This was in the 'Technicum' building of Ghent University, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, starting at 19:00. The program was as follows:
- Jeroen Janssen - Welcome and short introduction to FP
- Jasper Van der Jeugt - "BlazeHtml: a blazingly fast Html generator in Haskell"
- Tom Schrijvers - "Functional Pearl: The Monad Zipper"
- Romain Slootmaekers - "Functional Programming at Amplidata : a tentative experience report"
- Anonymous - "An introduction to PHunctional Programming"
- Short discussion on the direction of the Ghent Functional Programming Group