Participants of HacBerlin 2014
The following people have registered for HacBerlin 2014 and gave us the permission to show their names on the website.
- Alex Greif (GreifDesign)
- Alexander Biehl (FH Wedel)
- Alexander Thiemann (factis research GmbH)
- Andreas Röhler (freelance, https://launchpad.net/python-mode)
- Andres Löh (Well-Typed LLP)
- Aristid Breitkreuz
- Bastian Holst (factis research)
- Bernd Jürgen Schadei (Consultant)
- Carlo Hamalainen (University of Queensland)
- Carsten König
- Christopher Taylor (Groupon)
- Csaba Hruska (Prezi)
- David Leuschner (factis research GmbH)
- Emin Karayel (factis research GmbH)
- Fabian Schmitthenner (factis research)
- Farinaz Mozifian (Toshiba Medical Visualisation Systems Europe Ltd)
- Florian Hartwig
- Gabor Greif (ALU Nürnberg)
- Ganesh Sittampalam
- George Leontiev (SoundCloud Ltd.)
- Hans-Jürgen Guth
- Helge Stahlmann (Freelancer)
- Jürgen Nicklisch-Franken (independent)
- Johannes Weiß (Bromium)
- José Pedro Magalhães (Chordify)
- Julian Arni (Celeraone)
- Julian Wefers
- Karsten Gebbert (Null2 GmbH)
- Marc Fontaine
- Marcus Riemer (FH Wedel)
- Martin Ruderer (Uni Regensburg)
- Máté Kovács (Prezi)
- Matej Kollar (Red Hat)
- Mateusz Lenik (Pilot.co)
- Matthias Fischmann (zerobuzz.net)
- Michael Karg (freelance software developer)
- Nathanael Sandy (Self-taught learner)
- Pék Dániel (CERN)
- Peter Simons (Nokia HERE)
- Peter Trško (Unify GmbH & Co. KG)
- Philipp Kant (global infinipool GmbH)
- Robert Vollmert
- Rodolfo Ferreira (Soundcloud)
- Rohit Yadav (ShapeBlue)
- Ryan Levick (6Wunderkinder)
- Sebastian Jordan
- Stefan Springer
- Stefan Wehr (factis research GmbH)
- Steven Keuchel (Universiteit Gent)
- Sven Strütt (factis research)
- Tim Baumann (factis research GmbH)
- Tomislav Viljetić
Note: this list is not automatically updated when a new participant registers. We do the update by hand. Last update on 23rd Sep 2014, 14:50 UTC.