Lazy pattern match
What does "lazy pattern match" mean and what is the meaning of the tilde in pattern matches?
These are all lazy pattern matches:
let (a,b) = p
f ~(a,b) = ...
case p of ~(a,b) -> ...
(\ ~(a,b) -> ... )
The let
matches the top-most constructor lazily.
This seems to be quite arbitrary but this is how it is defined.
That is, if you want to match constructors lazily in two levels
then you have to write:
let (a, ~(b,c)) = p
f ~(a, ~(b,c)) = ...
case p of ~(a, ~(b,c)) -> ...
(\ ~(a, ~(b,c)) -> ... )
What is the meaning of a lazy pattern match and why is it required sometimes?
The lazy pattern match on a pair as in
f ~(a,b) = g a b
can be translated to
f p = g (fst p) (snd p)
Generally, a lazy pattern match is translated to calling corresponding record field accessors. The key difference between strict pattern match
f (a,b) = g a b
and lazy pattern match
f ~(a,b) = g a b
is that the strict pattern match requires to check for the pair constructor before g
can be evaluated. In contrast to that, the lazy pattern match allows to defer the pair constructor match to the evaluation of g a b
. If the function g
can generate something without looking at its arguments then f
can generate something as well before matching the pair constructor.
This difference can be essential. For example compare the implementation of splitAt
with lazy and strict pattern match. Here is the (correct) lazy implementation:
import Prelude hiding (splitAt)
splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAt n xs =
if n<=0
then ([], xs)
case xs of
[] -> ([], [])
y:ys ->
case splitAt (n-1) ys of
~(prefix, suffix) -> (y : prefix, suffix)
Now try
Test> splitAt 1000000 $ repeat 'a'
With lazy pattern match in the last line of the splitAt
implementation you see an answer immediately whereas with a strict pattern match the Haskell interpreter requires some time and memory before showing something. The reason is that the strict pattern match forces the interpreter to perform all recursive calls to splitAt
in order to check whether they actually generate a pair constructor. This might look silly since the pair type has only one constructor but mind you that a pair value can also be undefined
. Furthermore this behavior is consistent with data types with more than one constructor.
If you are uncertain how that splitAt
magic works then it might help to translate the tilde into pair element accessors fst
and snd
The lazy pattern match has some consequences. First of all a lazy pattern matches immediately always. Remember,
f ~(x:xs) = x:xs
is translated to
f ys = head ys : tail ys
and the match on ys
always succeeds. That is with the lazy pattern match the order of matches counts, e.g.
f :: [a] -> [a]
f [] = []
f ~(x:xs) = x:xs
is fine but stupid, because the first match already requires the decision whether the list is empty or not. But the reversed order
f :: [a] -> [a]
f ~(x:xs) = x:xs
f [] = []
yields a compiler warning for an unnecessary match on []
because the first case already matches always.
You may have also noted the danger caused by a lazy pattern match. Since the lazy pattern match on a non-empty list is translated to head
and tail
it is as dangerous as head
and tail
, because these functions are not total. That is, generally it is good style to avoid lazy pattern matches on types with more than one constructor.