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A simple monad transformer to allow computations in the transformed monad to generate random values.
A simple monad transformer to allow computations in the transformed monad to generate random values.

View [[NewMonads/MonadRandom]].
== MonadSupply ==
Here is a simple monad/monad transformer for computations which consume values from a (finite or infinite) supply. Note that due to pattern matching, running out of supply in a non-MonadZero monad will cause an error.
View [[NewMonads/MonadSupply]].
== MonadUndo ==
Here is a modified state monad transformer for keeping track of undo/redo states automatically.

View [[NewMonads/MonadRandom]].
View [[NewMonads/MonadUndo]].
== MonadUnique ==
This is a simple (trivial) monad transformer for supplying unique integer values to an algorithm.
View [[NewMonads/MonadUnique]].

Revision as of 17:28, 24 August 2006


It seems that the liftIO function from MonadIO can be generalized to access whatever the base of a transformer stack happens to be. So there is no need for a liftSTM, liftST, etc.

View NewMonads/MonadBase.


This is by Iavor S. Diatchki and can be found at

It is a new version of the mtl package with transformers: ReaderT WriterT StateT ExceptT SearchT ContT

It also defines BaseM which is like MonadBase above.


A simple monad transformer to allow computations in the transformed monad to generate random values.

View NewMonads/MonadRandom.


Here is a simple monad/monad transformer for computations which consume values from a (finite or infinite) supply. Note that due to pattern matching, running out of supply in a non-MonadZero monad will cause an error.

View NewMonads/MonadSupply.


Here is a modified state monad transformer for keeping track of undo/redo states automatically.

View NewMonads/MonadUndo.


This is a simple (trivial) monad transformer for supplying unique integer values to an algorithm.

View NewMonads/MonadUnique.