
From HaskellWiki

Generic Information

You can apply for an account and a project using the community server. You can also apply for a project.

Once you have an account and a project, you upload a Darcs repository as follows. First, initialize your repository on the server:

 $ ssh community.haskell.org
 you@haskell:~$ cd /srv/code/yourproject
 you@haskell:/srv/code/yourproject$ darcs init

Then, log out and push your repository:

 $ darcs push community.haskell.org:/srv/code/yourproject

Who knows about what

A list of projects you've worked on or know fairly well:

Name Projects
dons ByteString, xmonad, Data.Binary, lambdabot, hmp3, curses, QuickCheck, HPC, hs-plugins, yi, nobench/nofib, ghc
Binkley ghc, darcs (a little bit)
skogsbaer (Stefan Wehr) hscurses, rhaskell
Pepe ghc (front end mostly), ghci debugger, cabal-install (very little)
ivant Functional MetaPost, xmonad
kolmodin (Lennart Kolmodin) Data.Binary, Gentoo Linux, Haste (Haskell Turbo-Edit,a Haskell IDE in Haskell), hackport (hackage for Gentoo), hinotify, dbus-haskell
Heffalump (Ganesh Sittampalam) darcs patch theory
beschmi (Benedikt Schmidt) shim (emacs+ghc-api), darcs, xmonad
conal (Conal Elliott) functional reactive programming, DataDriven evaluation, tangible functional programming, graphics, embedded compilers, applicative functors, wxHaskell
jyp (Jean-Philippe Bernardy) yi, collections framework

Active Projects

Please feel free to describe your current project here!



Hackers: dcoutts, nominolo, lennart, bringert, dons