Boston Area Haskell Users' Group
Purpose and Goals
The purpose of the Boston Area Haskell Users' Group is to provide a regular forum in which area people interested in Haskell can get together, meet each other, share skills, and grow the community
Join the mailing list for even more entertainment! In particular, it is the most reliable source for meeting announcements and is where meeting-related polls (time, location, topics, etc.) are sent.
Next Meeting
Read the mailing list to find out what the plans are! The usual location (but check the announcement) is: at MIT in the CSAIL Reading Room (32-G882, which is a room on the 8th floor of the Gates Tower of the MIT's Stata Center at 32 Vassar St in Cambridge, MA).
Other Events
The Boston Area user group is thinking about organizing a hackathon, HacBOS, for the weekend of January 29th-January 31st, 2010.
Meeting Format
The Haskell Users' Group is not a forum for academic talks. The Boston area already provides plenty of opportunities for academics to give talks. The Haskell Users' Group is a forum for informal interactions and a place where you can show us the code.
The ideal meeting will include two presentations and a break:
- A presentation of code that even a beginner will appreciate
- A break (which may also include Lightning Talks or other advertisements of interest)
- A presentation of code that will make at least some experts say Ooh! and Aah!
Demos are also encouraged, but we want to see at least a little bit of code, please.
Planned schedule
Based on feedback fron the June 2009 meeting, we've switched to a monthly schedule. The previous calendar (below) is being kept as a reference for external events that can impact scheduling.
The calendar is designed so that most meetings are scheduled at a time when people might have something new to show off.
- A meeting in late January following POPL
- A meeting at the end of March or the beginning of April, just after the ICFP deadline
- A meeting in May after classes are out but before students and professors have dispersed for the summer
- A meeting in July after the POPL deadline and perhaps just after the ICFP programming contest
- A meeting in September following ICFP and the Haskell Symposium
- A meeting in November with a special emphasis on companies who may wish to recruit interns or new employees
Call for volunteers
We need volunteers
- To present
- To twist other people's arms to present
- To provide refreshments at meetings
- To help with general organizational matters (advertising meetings, etc.).
If you want to volunteer, please join the BostonHaskell mailing list and let us know what you're volunteering to do!
At some point we may be lucky enough to have a surplus of potential presenters. In that case we may need volunteers for a selection committee. A reasonable structure might be to have a committee of three who serve staggered six-month terms. If we can't find enough presenters, those same people could try to find some. In both cases people would be volunteering to help manage the program for three meetings.