There is a wide range of tools and corresponding VIM plugins that provide IDE-like features for Haskell development: haskell-language-server (implements the Language Server Protocol, thus needs a VIM LSP client), Intero, Dante, Codex, hdevtools and more. A less feature-rich but stable solution is to have ghcid running next to the editor window as described in [1]
Haskell Language Server
If you want to use the Haskell Language Server with Vim or Neovim, there is a section in the docs for that: Using haskell-language-server with Vim or NeoVim.
Assorted plugins for Vim or NeoVim
- haskell-tools.nvim Neovim plugin that sets up Neovim's native LSP implementation to use haskell-language-server and provides various other Neovim tools for Haskell development. Aims to bring the Haskell experience in Neovim on par and beyond that of Visual Studio Code.
- coc.nvim Intellisense engine for Vim8 & Neovim, full language server protocol support as VSCode. Follow haskell-language-server instruction to add support for completion, linting, formatting, go to definition, etc.
- telescope_hoogle Hoogle search from within Neovim.
- neotest-haskell A tree-sitter powered framework for interacting with Haskell tests in Neovim.
- nvim-treesitter Recommended for syntax highlighting.
- nvim-treesitter-textobjects Uses tree-sitter to add syntax-aware textobjects (supports various languages, including Haskell).
- vim-test A Vim wrapper for running tests (including Haskell) on different granularities.
- scout Hackage search tool with a Neovim plugin.
- haskell-vim Quote from [2]: "It’s the filetype plugin for Haskell that should ship with Vim."
- Hindent Haskell pretty printer
- stylish-haskell Haskell code prettifier
- Ale (Asynchronous Linting Engine)
ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine) is a plugin for providing linting (checking syntax and semantics) in NeoVim 0.2.0+ and Vim 8 while you edit your text files, and acts as a Vim Language Server Protocol client.
Comes with linters cabal_ghc, ghc, ghc_mod, hdevtools, hie, hlint, stack_build, stack_ghc
- Hdevtools taken from the github page:
hdevtools is a command line program powered by the GHC API, that provides services for Haskell development. hdevtools works by running a persistent process in the background, so that your Haskell modules remain in memory, instead of having to reload everything each time you change only one file. This is just like :reload in GHCi - with hdevtools you get the speed of GHCi as well as tight integration with your editor.
This is the Vim plugin that integrates Vim with hdevtools.