Talk:GHC/Type families

From HaskellWiki
Revision as of 12:55, 11 November 2007 by MathematicalOrchid (talk | contribs)

How does this change now that GHC 6.8.1 is out? MathematicalOrchid 12:55, 11 November 2007 (UTC)

In 4.3.2 Examples

module GMap (GMapKey(..), GMap(..)) where...: As before, but also exports all the data constructors GMapInt, GMapChar, GMapUnit, GMapPair, and GMapUnit.

should probably be:

module GMap (GMapKey(..), GMap(..)) where...: As before, but also exports all the data constructors GMapInt, GMapChar, GMapUnit, GMapPair, and GMapEither.

Paragraph 6 is a copy of Paragraph 4 except Collects is used.