Xmonad/Notable changes since 0.6
< Xmonad
This page is for keeping a record of significant changes in darcs xmonad and xmonad-contrib since the 0.6 release. The idea is to put here a list of things which a user upgrading from 0.6 to 0.7 might like to know, so that they are sure to be included in the 0.7 release notes.
Changes to the xmonad core
- Added a
field to the xmonad configuration record, which is an arbitraryX ()
action to be run each time xmonad starts (including restarts with mod-q).
Changes in xmonad-contrib
- XMonad.Actions.RotView no longer exists; XMonad.Actions.CycleWS now subsumes the former functionality of RotView plus some additional functionality as well. See the documentation for CycleWS for information on switching from RotView.