Xmonad/Notable changes since 0.6
< Xmonad
This page is for keeping a record of significant changes in darcs xmonad and xmonad-contrib since the 0.6 release. The idea is to put here a list of things which a user upgrading from 0.6 to 0.7 might like to know, so that they are sure to be included in the 0.7 release notes.
Changes to the xmonad core
- Added a
field to the xmonad configuration record, which is an arbitraryX ()
action to be run each time xmonad starts (including restarts with mod-q).
Changes in xmonad-contrib
- New contrib modules:
- XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger provides a simulated "floating" layout allowing you to move and resize windows with the keyboard. See XMonad.Layout.SimpleFloat.
- XMonad.Layout.Decoration adds general support for decorated windows. See also XMonad.Layout.Tabbed, XMonad.Layout.SimpleDecoration, XMonad.Util.Themes.
- XMonad.Actions.CycleSelectedLayouts allows you to bind a key to cycle among a specified subset of your layouts.
- XMonad.Layout.IM --- new layout useful with IM programs.
- XMonad.Util.Scratchpad --- scratchpad terminal.
- XMonad.Layout.ScratchWorkspace --- scratch workspace.
- XMonad.Actions.PerWorkspaceKeys --- like XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace, but for keybindings instead of layouts.
- XMonad.Actions.UpdatePointer allows you to update the pointer position, in order to implement e.g. mouse-follows-focus.
- XMonad.Prompt.DirExec allows execution of programs from a selected directory
- XMonad.Util.WindowProperties provides mini-language for specifying window properties.
- XMonad.Actions.WmiiActions removed in favor of DirExec.
- XMonad.Actions.RotView no longer exists; XMonad.Actions.CycleWS now subsumes the former functionality of RotView plus some additional functionality as well. See the documentation for CycleWS for information on switching from RotView.
- XMonad.Util.EZConfig now includes a number of functions which allow you to specify keybindings in a special string format, like "M-x" instead of (modMask, xK_x).
- XMonad.Actions.Search now includes several new search engines (Mathworld, Google scholar, Google maps)
- XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog configuration now includes a configurable workspace sorting algorithm, and vastly improved documentation and examples.
- XMonad.Actions.WindowGo now includes "run or raise" functionality, for either starting a program, or raising its window if it is already running.
- XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers includes two new actions, doRectFloat and doCenterFloat, to float windows with a particular geometry, or in the center of the screen, respectively.
- XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops now supports interaction from window lists and panels. You need to add a special layout modifier to your config for that, see the module’s documentation.
- XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace is much improved and now works with xinerama.
- smartBorders from XMonad.Layout.NoBorders now removes borders from floating fullscreen windows.
- XMonad.Util.Anneal and XMonad.Layout.Mosaic are gone.