Xmonad/Using xmonad on Apple OSX
xmonad runs well on Apple OSX machines, and needs little work to be useful. This page collects advice and information on using xmonad successfully with OSX.
Apple OSX
If you're using xmonad on a mac, add details about your configuration here!
Some instructions for using XMonad:
1. Build and install XMonad like you would any other Haskell library.
2. do the following on the Terminal:
$ cp /private/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc $ chmod +w ~/.xinitrc $ vim ~/.xinitrc #comment out the line 'exec quartz-wm' and add PATH-TO-XMONAD/xmonad after it.
3. Open X11. XMonad should be running now.
Note: You won't be able to use xmonad to manage normal OS X apps, but it is pretty to install a decent set of X11 apps. If you have MacPorts installed you can install the packages firefox-x11, rxvt-unicode, unclutter, and 'vim +gtk2' (the +gtk2 variant for PRIMARY/CLIPBOARD support) to get started.
Potential Configuration Problems
You may have problems with configuring XMonad under OSX - if you see the "error detected while loading xmonad configuration" error message but with no error output, it could be because the PATH inherited by XMonad doesn't include ghc (eg by default it won't include /usr/local/bin).
Possible solutions:
1. http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12382
2. http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?t=14279
3. Or just hardwire the path into xmonad itself - change "ghc" -> "/usr/local/bin/ghc" (or whatever) in Core.hs before building XMonad.