Benchmarks Game/Parallel/RegexDNA

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Revision as of 18:04, 21 September 2008 by Newsham (talk | contribs) (created page for regex-dna bench)
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Old submission is:


This is almost identical to the old code, with a parallel map used to perform the first phase of the benchmark (counting matches of each variant). I had trouble compiling the original with Text.Regex.Posix so I used Text.Regex.PCRE (which is probably faster, are hackage packages fair game?). I see a speedup from 46 seconds to 33 seconds when running this case -N2 vs the original case (with PCRE) unthreaded.

I see some weirdness in the shootout page's numbers. They list haskell running at 70 seconds (with Posix regex) and Python running as 25 seconds. I have a comparable system (roughly), and when I run the Python test case I get 46 seconds (nearly identical to the Haskell PCRE case). This probably means their machine has better memory bandwidth and that moving to PCRE is a big win (I believe python uses PCRE), but I'm not sure.

-- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
-- Contributed by: Sergei Matusevich 2007

import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import List
import Text.Regex.PCRE -- requires regex-pcre-builtin
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B

variants = [
  "agggtaa[cgt]|[acg]ttaccct" ]

main = do
  file <- B.getContents
  let [s1,s2,s3] = map (B.concat . tail) $ groupBy notHeader $ B.split '\n' file
      showVars r = r ++ ' ' : show ((s2 =~ r :: Int) + (s3 =~ r :: Int))
  mapM_ putStrLn $ parMap rnf showVars  variants
  putChar '\n'
  print (B.length file)
  print (B.length s1 + B.length s2 + B.length s3)
  print (B.length s1 + B.length s3 + length (B.unpack s2 >>= substCh))
  where notHeader _ s = B.null s || B.head s /= '>'
        substCh 'B' = "(c|g|t)"
        substCh 'D' = "(a|g|t)"
        substCh 'H' = "(a|c|t)"
        substCh 'K' = "(g|t)"
        substCh 'M' = "(a|c)"
        substCh 'N' = "(a|c|g|t)"
        substCh 'R' = "(a|g)"
        substCh 'S' = "(c|g)"
        substCh 'V' = "(a|c|g)"
        substCh 'W' = "(a|t)"
        substCh 'Y' = "(c|t)"
        substCh etc = [etc]