unamb is a package containing the unambiguous choice operator unamb
, which wraps thread racing up in a purely functional, semantically simple wrapper. Given any two arguments u
and v
that agree unless bottom, the value of unamb u v
is the more terminating of u
and v
. Operationally, the value of unamb u v
becomes available when the earlier of u
and v
does. The agreement precondition ensures unamb's referential transparency. For more info about unamb
and its use, see the paper Simply Efficient Functional Reactivity, sections 10 and 11.
was originally a part of Reactive. I moved it to its own package in order to encourage experimentation.
Besides this wiki page, here are more ways to find out about unamb:
- Visit the Hackage page for library documentation and to download & install.
- Or install with cabal install unamb.
- Get the code repository: darcs get http://code.haskell.org/unamb.
Please leave comments at the Talk page.
As of version 0.1.1, unamb requires ghc 6.10 or better.