Haskell Implementors Workshop 2010
The 2009 Haskell Implementors Workshop was a great success, and we will be holding another one on October 1 2010, alongside ICFP 2010 in Baltimore.
- Friday 6 Aug: Submissions due
- Monday 23 Aug: Notification
- Friday 1 Oct: Workshop
- Jean-Philippe Bernardy (Chalmers University of Technology)
- Duncan Coutts - co-chair (Well-Typed LLP)
- Iavor Diatchki (Galois)
- Simon Marlow - co-chair (Microsoft Research)
- Ben Lippmeier (University of New South Wales)
- Neil Mitchell (Standard Chartered)
8:00 8:45 Breakfast
9:00 10:00 Session 1
- Hackage, Cabal and the Haskell Platform: The Second Year (Don Stewart and Duncan Coutts)
- Hackage 2.0: Serving Packages Better (Matthew Gruen)
10:00 10:30 Break
10:30 12:30 Session 2
- Shake: A Better Make (Neil Mitchell)
- Improving Cabal's Test Support (Thomas Tuegel)
- Revamping Haddock Output (Mark Lentczner)
- First short-talks session: 10-minute(ish) talks/demos, sign up on the day
- GHC Status - Simon Peyton Jones
- UHC Status - Atze Dijkstra
12:30 2:00 Lunch
2:00 3:00 Session 3
- Typed type-level functional programming in GHC (Brent Yorgey)
- Second short-talks session: 10-minute(ish) talks/demos, sign up on the day
3:00 3:30 Break
3:30 4:30 Session 4
- Fibon -- a new benchmark suite for Haskell (David Peixotto)
- Kansas Lava -- Using and Abusing GHC's Type Extensions (Andrew Farmer)
4:30 5:00 Break
5:00 6:00 Session 5
- Scheduling Lazy Evaluation on Multicore (Simon Marlow)
- Beyond Haskell discussion, chaired by Ben Lippmeier