The Haskell Implementors Workshop is an informal affair, aimed at bringing together people behind the Haskell infrastructure. It provides a forum where people working on compilers, tools, or libraries for Haskell development can bat around ideas, share experiences and ask for feedback from fellow experts. There are no proceedings, just a mixture of short talks, longer talks, discussion and demos.
The Haskell Implementors Workshop will run again this year, co-located with ICFP 2011.
Important Dates
- Friday 22nd July: Proposal Deadline
- Monday 8th August: Notification
- Friday 23rd September: Workshop
9:00-10:00 Session 1
- Heijer Improving the GHC Inliner: Smart Loop Breaker Choice (Bas den Heijer)
- Hash Array Mapped Tries for GHC (Johan Tibell)
10:00-10:30: Tea Break
10:30-12:00: Session 2
- Spark Visualization in ThreadScope (Duncan Coutts)
- Weaving Source Code into ThreadScope (Peter Wortmann)
- First Lightning Talks Session
12:00-13:30: Lunch Break
13:30-15:00: Session 3
- GHC Status Update (Simon Peyton Jones and Simon Marlow)
- Reusing Thunks for Recursive Data Structures in Lazy Functional Programs (Yasunao TAKANO)
- Second Lightning Talks Session
15:00-15:30: Tea Break
15:30-16:30 Session 4
- Virtualizing Real-World Objects in FRP (Daniel Winograd-Cort)
- A New Dependency Solver for cabal-install (Andres Löh)
16:30-16:45: Short Break
16:45-17:45: Session 5
- Safe Haskell (David Terei)
- Third Lightning Talks Session and Beyond Haskell Discussion
- Rebekah Leslie (Portland State University)
- Ben Lippmeier - co-chair (University of New South Wales)
- Andres Löh (Well-Typed LLP)
- Oleg Lobachev (University of Marburg)
- Neil Mitchell - co-chair (Standard Chartered)
- Dimitrios Vytiniotis (Microsoft Research)