Upcoming Events
- Hac Boston
- Haskell Hackathon
- January 20-22, 2012, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US
- 4th Summerschool on Applied Functional Programming
- August 20-31, 2012, in Utrecht, the Netherlands
Recent Events
- HaL6: Haskell in Leipzig
- October 7, 2011, Leipzig, Germany
- 23rd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages.
- October 3-5, 2011, Lawrence, KS
- ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP)
- September 19–21 (Mon–Wed), 2011, Tokyo, Japan. Co-located with:
- Workshop on Generic Programming (WGP): September 18th (Sun)
- Haskell Symposium: September 22nd (Thu)
- Haskell Implementors' Workshop: September 23rd (Fri)
- Commercial Users of FP (CUFP): September 22nd–24th (Thu–Fri: Tutorials, Sat: Talks)
- HakkuTaikai—Tokyo Hackathon: September 25th (Sun)