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< Web
Revision as of 07:55, 1 October 2013 by Gidyn (talk | contribs) (no happstack cart for openshift)
Haskell Web Development

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PaaS (platform as a service) cloud providers generally limit you to a fixed technology stack. However, OpenShift and Heroku allow third-party extensions, which can be used to support Haskell.


License: GPL3
GHC version: 7.6.3
Author: Gideon Sireling
Home page: https://github.com/accursoft/Haskell-Cloud
Documentation: https://github.com/accursoft/Haskell-Cloud/blob/master/README.md

The cartridge is built in several flavours, with different pre-installed packages:

Packages Cartridge Installation Link
network manifest create application
yesod-platform esqueleto happy manifest create application
snap manifest create application
happstack-foundation hsx2x happy manifest create application
MFlow manifest create application
Scotty manifest create application
- manifest create application

If an application link isn't working, check which builds are available. (The plain cartridge should always be available as it doesn't require building.)

The happstack cartridge is currently unavailable, as OpenShift doesn't provide enough memory to build it.


GHC version: 7.4.1
Author: Brian McKenna
Home page: https://github.com/puffnfresh/heroku-buildpack-haskell
Documentation: https://github.com/puffnfresh/heroku-buildpack-haskell/blob/master/README.md

See also