User groups

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Revision as of 23:47, 19 February 2014 by Cesarn (talk | contribs) (→‎West Coast)

A range of Haskell User Groups are springing up all over.

Online communities

User groups

Regular meetings in a particular geographical area. Great if you want to see and meet other Haskellers.

North America

West Coast

SoCal FP Group
San Diego Haskell User Group
a Haskell User Group for the San Diego and Tijuana region
The Bay Area Functional Programmers group
Meeting monthly in the San Francisco Bay area. See their blog for more details and news of upcoming meetings.
PDXfunc: Portland FP Group
Monthly meetings of the Portland, Oregon functional programming group. Meetings occur on the second Monday of each month at 7 pm, typically in Downtown/NW Portland.
Seattle: Northwest Functional Programming Interest Group
a Northwest Functional Programming Interest Group in Seattle.
Vancouver Haskell UnMeetup
Monthly interactive sessions, (+10) for joining

East Coast

Boston Haskell Users' Group.
Meets monthly.
New York Haskell Users Group
The NY Haskell Users Group is for all programmers either interested in or experienced with the Haskell programming language. Meets monthly.
New York Functional Programmers
Come and meet like-minded functional programmers in the New York area.
Haskell DC
Washington DC area Meetup for Haskell.
FringeDC Washington
Meetings about functional programming languages in Washington DC.
Atlanta Functional Programming Users Group
Meet other functional programmers in the Atlanta area. Join us and geek out!
Toronto Haskell User Group
Haskellers of Toronto, unite! We meet at on the second Wednesday of every month! There is also a small organizational mailing list you can join to keep up to date.
Montreal Haskell Users' Group.
Meets monthly.


Austin Functional Programmers Group
See the discussion group for more.
Boulder Haskell Programmers
Boulder and Denver (Colorado) area Haskell Programmer Group. Meetings are focused on practical topics faced by working programmers. All experience levels are welcome.
Colorado Area Haskell Study Group
Chicago Haskell — First general meeting in December 2009. — Mailing List@ChicagoHaskell
Denver Area Haskell Users Group -- DenHUG had it's first meeting on 27 Feb 2010. Next meeting will be 3 Apr 2010.
St. Louis Lambda Lounge -- Meets the 1st Thursday of the month. Since Dec 2008, Lambda Lounge is a user group in St. Louis organized loosely around the idea of exploring dynamic and functional languages.


FP-SYD, the Sydney (Australia) Functional Programming group
FP hackers in Sydney.
(FPU) Melbourne Functional Programming Union
The FPU is a collective of functional programming language enthusiasts, which has been in operation since 1998. We are based at the University of Melbourne, in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, but we are open to all members of the community. We meet on a regular basis for lively discussions on topics broadly associated with the declarative programming paradigm.
Brisbane Functional Programming Group (BFPG) (Meetup page)
A group for Functional Programming with Haskell, Scala and other languages.
Perth Functional Programmers Meetup
A group in Perth, WA for Functional Programming with Haskell, Scala and other languages.



Manchester Lambda Lounge
We are an active community meeting monthly at the Madlab (Manchester Digital Laboratory) to talk about topics in functional programming.
Hoodlums - Haskell developer meetup
Meets monthly on the second Thursday of the month in Canary Wharf. It is a "Coding Dojo" format where we pick some interesting problem and solve it as a group.
London Haskell User Group
The main meetings are monthly on the last or fourth Thursday of the month. The group was revived in late 2012.
ed lambda (Edinburgh, UK)
For functional programming in general, founded by a Haskeller. First meeting will be September 13th 2010.
OxHUG - the Oxford Haskell Users Group
Meets every other week, currently at the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. Discussion session followed by adjournment to a local tavern. Aimed at students, graduates, professionals and enthusiasts.
fp-southwales, the South Wales Functional Programming User Group
Starting up in late 2009, based out of Swansea University.


The Strasbourg HUG meets monthly in an informal setting. Level is very low and newbies are very welcome.


Dutch HUG
The Dutch HUG meets monthly in an informal setting.


Ghent Functional Programming Group
The Ghent Functional Programming Group will be having its first meeting on April 1, 2010.


Haskell in Frankfurt
Haskell in Leipzig
Hal, they have videos online.
Haskell in Munich
We had our first meeting on Thursday, 29th of September 2011. We are always looking forward to see new people. If you can make it to Munich, consider joing us!

If anyone is interested in a user group in Ulm, Germany please let me know (HugUlm).

If someone is interested in a user group in Mannheim or Heidelberg, Germany, please let me know (user cgo [[1]] in this Wiki). Or if there is one which is not listed here, please let me know too!


Haskell User Group Zurich
We are meeting once a month to share knowledge of and experience with Haskell.


We had a first meeting in August 2008 and we are planning a second one sometime during the 2008/2009 Autumn/Winter season.


Reykjavik Haskell User Group Iceland
Currently recruiting members


HUG Warsaw

We are the successors to the Warsaw Functional Society (Warszawskie Towarzystwo Funkcyjne) and as such we welcome any functional programmers and enthusiasts, though the focus of the group is Haskell. We (hope to) have rather informal, but regular meetings in Warsaw, Poland.


LtU-Kiev community
Irregular meetups, usually with prepared talks on Haskell and other FP topics.
Odessa Haskell User Group
Regular informal meetups (approximately once a month) in a pub or cafe


Budapest Haskell User Group
The Haskell User Group is a group of Haskell enthusiasts who are interested in sharing their knowledge and meeting people who share similar interests. We had our first meeting in September 2013.


IsraelHaskell User Group
Are getting organised.


Saint-Petersburg Haskell User Group
Moscow Haskell User Group


Turkey Haskell Programmer's Group
Formed by Turkish Functional Programmers, the group began to communicate via an e-mail list opened by The first contribution is hlibev project by Aycan iRiCAN.
BILFP (Bilkent University Comp. Eng. Dept. Functional Programming Society) Turkey
Project aims to improve people's knowledge and encourage the use of functional programming languages — especially in Turkey. Group is open to functional-programming-related discussions and establishes related presentations at Bilkent University that are open to anybody.

South America


Grupo Brasileiro de Usuários de Haskell
Grupo criado para reunir os desenvolvedores e entusiastas que utilizam Haskell no Brasil


Comunidad Haskell San Simon
Haskell user group for Bolivia and spanish speaking community


China Lisp User Group
China Lisp User Group (CLUG) is the earliest founded Lisp user group in China.
Tokyo Society for the Application of Currying


South Africa

Lambda Luminaries
Functional programming user group based in Centurion, Gauteng.

Workshops/meet ups

Less regular, and move around. Usually have a few talks from invited speakers. See the Haskell homepage for a list of upcoming events.


Getting together to squash bugs and write new stuff. For a list of past and upcoming hackathons, see the Hackathon page.


See the Haskell in research and Conferences page for academic workshops and conferences focusing on Haskell and related technology.