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PaaS (platform as a service) cloud providers generally limit you to a fixed technology stack. However, OpenShift and Heroku allow third-party extensions, which can be used to support Haskell.


GHC version: 7.6.3 / 7.8.2
Author: Gideon Sireling
Home page: https://github.com/accursoft/Haskell-Cloud
Documentation: https://github.com/accursoft/Haskell-Cloud/blob/master/README.md

The cartridge comes in several flavours, with just the network package (GHC 7.8.2) or a pre-installed framework (GHC 7.6.3 *):

Framework Cartridge QuickStart Deploy
network manifest quickstart deploy
Yesod manifest quickstart deploy
Snap manifest quickstart deploy
Happstack manifest quickstart deploy
MFlow manifest quickstart deploy
Scotty manifest quickstart deploy

* GHC 7.8 requires dynamic libraries for Template Haskell and Quasiquoting. OpenShift gears default to a 1Gb quota, which is insufficient for a full web framework with two copies (dynamic and static) of every library.

The included template is currently the same for all cartridges (a simple stub server that just lists the installed packages). I'll be happy to include any framework-specific starter projects with the quickstarts - please open an issue with a link to your Github repo.


GHC version: 7.4.1
Author: Brian McKenna
Home page: https://github.com/puffnfresh/heroku-buildpack-haskell
Documentation: https://github.com/puffnfresh/heroku-buildpack-haskell/blob/master/README.md

See also