99 questions/Solutions/67A
A string representation of binary trees
Somebody represents binary trees as strings of the following type:
- a(b(d,e),c(,f(g,)))
a) Write a Prolog predicate which generates this string representation, if the tree is given as usual (as nil or t(X,L,R) term). Then write a predicate which does this inverse; i.e. given the string representation, construct the tree in the usual form. Finally, combine the two predicates in a single predicate tree_string/2 which can be used in both directions.
treeToString :: Tree Char -> String
treeToString Empty = ""
treeToString (Branch x Empty Empty) = [x]
treeToString (Branch x l r) =
x : '(' : treeToString l ++ "," ++ treeToString r ++ ")"
stringToTree :: (Monad m) => String -> m (Tree Char)
stringToTree "" = return Empty
stringToTree [x] = return $ Branch x Empty Empty
stringToTree str = tfs str >>= \ ("", t) -> return t
where tfs a@(x:xs) | x == ',' || x == ')' = return (a, Empty)
tfs (x:y:xs)
| y == ',' || y == ')' = return (y:xs, Branch x Empty Empty)
| y == '(' = do (',':xs', l) <- tfs xs
(')':xs'', r) <- tfs xs'
return $ (xs'', Branch x l r)
tfs _ = fail "bad parse"
Note that the function stringToTree
works in any Monad.
The following solution for 'stringToTree' uses Parsec:
import Text.Parsec.String
import Text.Parsec hiding (Empty)
-- these modules require parsec-3
-- to install parsec-3: cabal install parsec
pTree :: Parser (Tree Char)
pTree = do
pBranch <|> pEmpty
pBranch = do
a <- letter
char '('
t0 <- pTree
char ','
t1 <- pTree
char ')'
return $ Branch a t0 t1
pEmpty =
return Empty
stringToTree str =
case parse pTree "" str of
Right t -> t
Left e -> error (show e)
The above solution cannot parse such inputs as x(y,a(,b)) but demands a more rigid format x(y(,),a(,b(,))). To parse a less rigid input:
pBranch = do
a <- letter
do char '('
t0 <- pTree
char ','
t1 <- pTree
char ')'
return $ Branch a t0 t1
<|> return (Branch a Empty Empty)
This solution should be attributed to Daniel Fischer @StackOverflow[1]